There was IT press this week that MSFT really screwed the pooch on Office updates this last "Patch Tuesday" and even publicized there were 14 patches coming and only 13 cane out to which they admitted in interviews that one security patch was so badly broken they couldn't release it, "but the problem hasn't been seen exploited in the wild yet".
They go through periods of this. Whether you'll have to live with it until the next month's Patch Tuesday or if they'll get a KB article and fix out prior to then is anyone's guess. The Office team blew it.
I twiddled with the Office 2013 patches today at work hoping I wouldn't fall victim to losing my folder list which is the reported problem there. It errored, I set it to be ignored, finished all the other patches and then in ignored it and tried again.
Often doing them one at a time will straighten out the bad behavior. One patch, reboot... Another, reboot. Takes forever. But sometimes works.