Wife's First Solo!

Congratulations! You and your wife have joined a VERY small club!

I've seen the statistics for male/female pilots (24,700 female licensed pilots out of 570,000 overall licensed pilots), but I'd be really curious how many husband/wife pilots there are. :dunno: John/Martha King come to mind.... :rofl:

MyassisDragon said:
And I just forwarded this thread (link) for motivation to my wife who has just completed ground school and is trying to keep traction on this journey for PPL.

I hope she found the video earlier in this thread of her first solo. That was amazing!

SkyDog58 said:
Yep, DPA. When do they expect to have Clow open again?

I've heard mid-late September... but lots of :dunno: Can't wait to get back home!
Congrats Andrew. I stopped by your Lance at Oshkosh to check it out and meet you but you weren't around. We were in row 521.
Very cool and congratulations!!!! We definitely need more women in aviation not only professionally but also in GA so always good to hear these stories.
Congrats Andrew. I stopped by your Lance at Oshkosh to check it out and meet you but you weren't around. We were in row 521.

Awe, man! Would have loved to meet you. Funny... 92E didn't mention that anyone stopped by. He must have been too busy staring at that cute V-tail across the way.

Mrs. SixPapaCharlie said:
That's awesome! Congrats to her!

Thanks, Eren! Your turn now! You can do it!!
Thanks, Eren! Your turn now! You can do it!!

Ugh . . . . I've got to get back into it. I've taken a long break, due to finances, hot weather, and work. Once fall hits, I'm going to start things up again though.
Um, can she convince my wife that flying is fun, and cool? :P
I am truly happy for her! And you, of course.

Flying curmudgeon,