Final Approach
Certainly, there is an increased need to be self-sufficient.... There ain't no 911 out here...
Part of being self-sufficient is having the ability to accurately evaluate your risks, weigh them, prioritize them, and equip yourself appropriately. It is to your disadvantage to walk into a significant risk naively, unprepared, just as it is to your disadvantage to over-dramatize a risk, and over-prepare for it, to be the guy who brings a gun to a dehydration fight.
Everything you carry with you is taking the place of something else you choose to leave behind, like more water, more food, better shelter, medical, maps, tools, gps ...
About 300 people die every year trying to walk from Mexico into the US. They die from exposure, hypothermia, dehydration, heat stroke. Compare that to the 4 or 5 who die from bear attacks while actually outdoors.
You can't shoot the sun, or shoot water from the ground, or shoot your way out of a snow bank, or shoot your way out of the cold. You can shoot giardia, but they've got superior numbers.