We all know from reading these boards that every pilot here is an absolute bad ass, so this is just a statement about recreational pilots in general.
In Texas I am based at a very busy GA airport, KADS. There are several schools on the field and many recreational pilots. I've noticed a trend that really bothers me, that is people only fly recreationally on calm, pleasant, beautiful, absolutely perfect mornings.
Such a Saturday morning and you'll be 10 back for departure.
Same day except the wind is 20-25 nearly right down the runway... nobody
Same day with a 15 knot crosswind.... nobody
Same day with clouds and rain (no convection).... nobody
Night: students doing the minimum requirements or.... nobody
Almost all the traffic on the less than ideal days are professionals who have to fly in any flyable conditions.
If I am honest with myself I could easily fall into the same trap. The only difference for me is that I fly from place to place on a schedule and primarily for transportation. That adds just enough pressure that I find myself in many conditions that given the choice I would be tempted do something else with my day.
Somehow making pilots fly regularly in less than ideal conditions would be the easiest way to improve safety IMO.
What say you?
In Texas I am based at a very busy GA airport, KADS. There are several schools on the field and many recreational pilots. I've noticed a trend that really bothers me, that is people only fly recreationally on calm, pleasant, beautiful, absolutely perfect mornings.
Such a Saturday morning and you'll be 10 back for departure.
Same day except the wind is 20-25 nearly right down the runway... nobody
Same day with a 15 knot crosswind.... nobody
Same day with clouds and rain (no convection).... nobody
Night: students doing the minimum requirements or.... nobody
Almost all the traffic on the less than ideal days are professionals who have to fly in any flyable conditions.
If I am honest with myself I could easily fall into the same trap. The only difference for me is that I fly from place to place on a schedule and primarily for transportation. That adds just enough pressure that I find myself in many conditions that given the choice I would be tempted do something else with my day.
Somehow making pilots fly regularly in less than ideal conditions would be the easiest way to improve safety IMO.
What say you?