Why it's important to have friends...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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The remains of a woman have been found sitting in front of her TV - 42 years after she was reported missing.

Hedviga Golik, who was born in 1924, had apparently made herself a cup of tea before sitting in her favourite armchair in front of her black and white television.

Croatian police said she was last seen by neighbours in 1966, when she would have been 42 years old.

Her neighbours thought she had moved out of her flat in the capital, Zagreb.

But she was found by police and bailiffs who had broken in to help the authorities establish who owned the flat.

A police spokesman said: "So far, we have no idea how it is possible that someone officially reported missing so long ago was not found before in the same apartment she used to live in.

"When officers went there, they said it was like stepping into a place frozen in time.
"The cup she had been drinking tea from was still on a table next to the chair she had been sitting in and the house was full of things no one had seen for decades. Nothing had been disturbed for decades, even though there were more than a few cobwebs in there."
I've heard of this a few times.

I doubt it would happen to me. I have a boss who would be asking why the 172 isn't flying. :)
WOW! :eek:

It's hard to believe something like that is possible to have occurred. Regardless of the reported missing bit, you'd think that eventually people would want bills paid, the house would become in a severe state of disrepair etc.

Interesting story!
WOW! :eek:

It's hard to believe something like that is possible to have occurred. Regardless of the reported missing bit, you'd think that eventually people would want bills paid, the house would become in a severe state of disrepair etc.

Interesting story!

When she "disappeared" Zagreb was in Yugoslavia. There was no upside to poking your nose into the affairs of others those days.
When she "disappeared" Zagreb was in Yugoslavia. There was no upside to poking your nose into the affairs of others those days.

Agreed, I am thinking in terms of present-day United States, which is much different than 1960s Yugoslvaia. My point was more that the same thing would seem unlikely to happen today, at least here.

If nothing else, my neighbors would come bashing down my door after the lawn wasn't mowed for a few years, nevermind the mortgage company wondering about my payments when I stop getting that direct deposit from my job and the checking account runs out. :D
House 2 blocks down from me, same street. There was a woman, very hermit-like (was hostile to visitors), who had never maintained her yard very well; so the next-door neighbor took to just mowing her front yard, as a charitable gesture, at the same time he mowed his own. Front of the house (where mail, deliveries, etc. made) was obscured from the street by a very large and overgrown pine tree.

Mail delivered through a slot in the door.

At some point, for reasons I cannot recall, building code enforcement was called out and became suspicious; subsequent investigation revealed a mummified body in the bedroom, best estimate was that she had been dead for about a year and a half.

The next-door neighbor I know well; good family, friendly people, told me that the woman rebuffed all attempts at friendly contact, was never seen outside anyway.


When all this came out, house was essentially collapsing around her anyway, and neighbor bought it from the estate (they had a helluva time finding heirs who could convey). It is now an extended play yard for his home.
When she "disappeared" Zagreb was in Yugoslavia. There was no upside to poking your nose into the affairs of others those days.

And there was no upside to exterior maintenance. All the building exteriors belonged to the government so nobody did any maintenance. Downtown Zagreb looked awful a decade ago. Some from war damage, some from neglect. However, now repairs have begun and a lot of the city is in first class shape.

Now if they could just get rid of the highrise buildings built by the communist architects... ugh, they look like a dozen suburban elementary schools stacked on top of each other.... :vomit:

I fear my cats would have me for dinner :(
Reasonable fear. I took a course in college about accidental and non-natural death and dying. The course was very interesting and the text book was, shall we say, graphic! There was more than few photos of people who died in their homes from various causes and had part eaten by pets.
The title of this thread could easily be changed to Why it's important to have creditors... I remember a the joke if you think no one knows you're alive, just miss a couple car payments.
Not to get too graphic but the photo that sticks out in my mind was not of mom, but of dad and how his, um, you know, well, *thing* had been eaten. :eek::eek:
At least I wouldn't have that particular problem... :eek: :D
Not to get too graphic but the photo that sticks out in my mind was not of mom, but of dad and how his, um, you know, well, *thing* had been eaten. :eek::eek:

Sounds like you were scarred for life by this class. I'll bet some lawyer could get you set for life. :D
Dang it, I had a long post all typed out and then it suddenly deleted. I'll just let it go and run off to feed my cat. I don't want him getting other ideas in my sleep. :eek:
I had a case that was like this. client lived with an elderly realtive. Relative died in a chair. Client was alledged to have closed the door to the room and sealed the door with that expanding foam called "STUFF" then continued to collect the relatives SS checks.
I had a case that was like this. client lived with an elderly realtive. Relative died in a chair. Client was alledged to have closed the door to the room and sealed the door with that expanding foam called "STUFF" then continued to collect the relatives SS checks.
Was it a successful defense? :)