Why do smaller jets always seem to utilize the T tail design?

flap operation
I guess that makes sense since it is out of the airflow changes. The Skyhawk, Cirrus, and Archer all behave much differently with flap extension

And the military variant has the most awesome name ...
I didn't realize there was a military code name for it. Some of the Russian planes and subs had great code names too
I didn't realize there was a military code name for it. Some of the Russian planes and subs had great code names too

So ... it doesn't. I was thinking the VC-10 was the Nimrod, and that word makes me chuckle. But apparently I should step away from the keyboard after working until 3:00am to clean up a customer's ransomware infection. Well, at least it is my customer now. The previous guys really crapped the bed on this one.