Why do people have to suck....

He could when he was married too... But that doesn't mean that attitude is right then or now... Are you serious

Yes and no - he could, but that would make him a jerk and a worthless man (there's no excuse to cheat, ever). Now, there's nothing wrong with the attitude of a single man finding chicks and rocking their world...and there's a pretty good market for divorcees.
Too bad all the bridesmaids are married already.. lol

Some weddings I have seen, that did not create much impediment! :D


A friend of mine, following a rather painful divorce, began dating a woman whom I (along with a number of our mutual friends) thought was a poor choice, lacking in personality.

Nonetheless, he ended up marrying her, and as it works out, she has been a wonderful wife, and a good mother to two fine boys. Her personality was completely different from someone we would've envisioned marrying my friend, but over time it has become apparent that she's not bad, just different.

"Friends" who choose to turn away from you, are not friends of all.
Your "friends" owe you more than they have given you, however, maybe as other have suggested they are telling you something. Actions often speak louder than words.

If you truly feel you are making the right decision and want to spend the rest of your life with this woman and her kid(soon to be your kids) then you are going to do what you are doing.

However, if there is even on iota of doubt in your mind, it may be the right time to take a step back and put the plans on hold until you are absolutely one hundred percent sure this is what you want to do. You have already experience on protacted and obviuously ugly divorce, why set yourself up for a second? Remember the only winners in a divorce are the lawyers.

After a divorce you need 5 relation ships with other women, and a 5 year "cooling off period" .

If I'd been "with other women," and had "5 relation ships," I'd probably have sailed away or flown off to some hallowed and peaceful place, depending upon what type of "ships" had been at my disposal. (Spell check programs were useless in the quoted post because "relation" and "ships" are proper words. So is relationships.) However, may good fortune come to the OP.