Why do people hate Vista?

Hmm... So when they said that ad was just setting up the joke for future ads, they really meant "We haven't gotten permission to announce it's getting killed yet."

Seems this one really was the joke. It really was worse than United's ad during the Olympics.

It wasn't the only joke. Take a look at one of the "real" ads:

"I'm a Mac and I make TV ads for Windows." :goofy::goofy:
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For the most part SP3 hasn't been all that bad. Nothing like SP1 and smoother yet then SP2.
BTW I heard they are pulling the ad campaign. Seems that no one else thought they were funny either
This is the common rumor, but it's wrong. The truth is that they'd never intended to run more than a couple of Seinfeld ads, to get people talking before launching the real campaign. Worked pretty well, didn't it?

How do I know this? Because I'm in the new campaign. I've had this conversation with folks at the ad agency. I also was in New York City shooting my "I'm a PC" bit well before the first Seinfeld ad aired.

Microsoft didn't spend $300 million on just two Seinfeld commercials. There's much more to it than that.

Are ya in the Tron suit? :goofy:

And aren't you a Mac user? :D

:D I think we have quotes here from Jay that could be really ummm.... disappointing for the PC campaign. DERN THAT GOOGLE!

Besides that exactly which mere mortals are going to identify with the guy in the Tron suit? (I know. It's not aimed at the mortals.)
>Yes, but I also use Microsoft products, just like nearly everyone else.

Some of us use ms products because we are forced to use them by
the idiots running "IT" shops.
Yup...indeed, my tagline ("I'm a PC, and I fight for the users") is explicitly a tribute to the movie.

Yes, but I also use Microsoft products, just like nearly everyone else.
Is your plane in the campaign, too?
Microsoft has started posting interviews with some of the folks in the campaign. Mine's up now. You can see it by going to the I'm a PC site, closing the initial dialog, then clicking on the PC STORIES link in the bottom of the main window. This will darken all but the folks who have interviews up, and it's easy to pick out mine from the 7 that are currently there.
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Microsoft has started posting interviews with some of the folks in the campaign. Mine's up now. You can see it by going to the I'm a PC site, closing the initial dialog, then clicking on the PC STORIES link in the bottom of the main window. This will darken all but the folks who have interviews up, and it's easy to pick out mine from the 7 that are currently there.

The way it should be. Life Without Windows. I think you got you're link wrong. Bad PC....All the PC's in the background with your Mac sitting in front of you :)
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>Mine's up now. You can see it by going to the I'm a PC site, closing the initial dialog, >then clicking on the PC STORIES link in the bottom of the main window.

Wow, that's an incredibly badly designed page.

How ironic.
>Mine's up now. You can see it by going to the I'm a PC site, closing the initial dialog, >then clicking on the PC STORIES link in the bottom of the main window.

Wow, that's an incredibly badly designed page.

How ironic.
Maybe they should have used iWeb to do the site, like they used a Mac to make the ads. ;)
To this day, I still believe the user is the biggest security hole in computing. With a some exceptions, the vast majority of security holes require user action. Soon we'll have the comp protecting me from me.

Correct. However, most users do not understand or are not knowledgeable about safe computing techniques. I have been running XP Home for three years now and have yet to experience any intrusion and I run software to detect both incoming and outgoing packets and allow me to accept or reject a connection.
My computers run behind double hardware firewall/routers.
I run Root Kit Revealer once each week and BLINK daily. I use FIREFOX and run NoScript. I only accept cookies from sites I know, and then only allow them for the session. I do not accept third party cookies at all.
Am I paranoid?
It is your software that does not support Vista - not the other way around.

My company is going through the throes of supporting Vista right now. The mantra of the day is, "I hate Vista." It is agony, but don't blame Vista. There were so many holes in previous Windows versions that malware could exploit and there was so much criticism of Microsoft for those holes that Vista security became necessary.

I recommend home users run Secunia PCI to scan their machines for vulnerable software daily. It is fast, easy and free.
I bought a new laptop on the weekend. They ONLY come with Vista now - they withdrew the XP option either June 1st or July 1st (forget which). First thing I did was went in and uninstalled a lot of the crap that came with it. Then loaded up my new copy of Office Home 2007, then all my flight planning stuff. So far (two days) its running fine.

GOOGLE a program called "DECRAPIFIER" OR "PC DECRAPIFIER" to get rid of the unwanted programs that come loaded on new PC's.
It is your software that does not support Vista - not the other way around.

My company is going through the throes of supporting Vista right now. The mantra of the day is, "I hate Vista." It is agony, but don't blame Vista. There were so many holes in previous Windows versions that malware could exploit and there was so much criticism of Microsoft for those holes that Vista security became necessary.

I recommend home users run Secunia PCI to scan their machines for vulnerable software daily. It is fast, easy and free.

And my company isn't going to use it at all. Waiting for Windows 7.
As long as your machine has the hardware to run Vista(4 or even 2 gigs of ram, and a decently clocked proc) you'll be fine.

If you're looking to slim it down, then give V-lite a try, works great for me, and I idle at about 350mb of memory usage.

Ummm... They might want to consider who they're actually going to be reaching with that web site...

The page "I'M A PC" has content of MIME type "application/x-silverlight-2-b2". Because you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can't be displayed.

Try again, guys. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Vista works fine on the machines I have it on but so does XP. Why was VISTA necessary except as a means of obsoleting XP so as to make more money for MS.

I am not a techie. If VISTA was needed, MS failed to show me why. What problem was it solving?
Vista works fine on the machines I have it on but so does XP. Why was VISTA necessary except as a means of obsoleting XP so as to make more money for MS.

I am not a techie. If VISTA was needed, MS failed to show me why. What problem was it solving?

It was solving the problem that people running XP haven't bought Windows in up to 5 whole years. :hairraise:

Churn and burn, baybee.
Lookin' stylish, Jay! Except for all the Microsoft propaganda, that is. ;)


For that reason, I like this one better:


What do you think?


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It was solving the problem that people running XP haven't bought Windows in up to 5 whole years. :hairraise:

Churn and burn, baybee.

It also solved the problem that people were running software and hardware they bought up to 10 years ago.

<- Still runs Doom & Mech Warrior 2 (original dos ver) over XP through DosBox. Fears having to emulate Win 98 one day.:hairraise:
It also solved the problem that people were running software and hardware they bought up to 10 years ago.

<- Still runs Doom & Mech Warrior 2 (original dos ver) over XP through DosBox. Fears having to emulate Win 98 one day.:hairraise:

That's the problem Novell had. I was serving 400 heavy users on 6 year old hardware that had been up continuously for over a year. When I called to order another server the vendor said they hadn't gotten calls for Novell compatibility in while.

They loved dat new NT where I would have had to order at least 3 servers to replace it - 1 for print, 1 for file, 1 for apps. Network Directory wasn't a problem. NT didn't have one.