Why are females never to blame for anything?

And the vast non alcohol deaths are from being hit by an inattentive cager. Some of those involve alcohol on the cager’s part, but I suspect the majorities involve screens.

Nah, sober drivers have been hitting motorcycles since before we were born, back when Dick Tracy's watch phone was still science fiction
Testosterone should be considered a Class 1 narcotic. It has caused more problems in this world than all other chemicals combined.

Testosterone, by itself, isn’t problematic, it’s testosterone abuse, especially in combination with alcohol or other drug use, that lead to tragic results. Often this is in a setting of persistent inflammatory response to overbearing liberal testosterone deficient antagonists.
Testosterone, by itself, isn’t problematic, it’s testosterone abuse, especially in combination with alcohol or other drug use, that lead to tragic results. Often this is in a setting of persistent inflammatory response to overbearing liberal testosterone deficient antagonists.

Clear case of testosterone-rage right there. So drunk on testosterone that you blame those not using it for your political angst and anxiety. ;)
Clear case of testosterone-rage right there. So drunk on testosterone that you blame those not using it for your political angst and anxiety. ;)

Clear case of persistent inflammatory response right there. ;-)
Guys, guys, guys, why are you fighting? This thread is about women and their lack of blame for doing stupid chit. And y'all fight? *tsk tsk tsk* :)
Emotions are for chicks, let's leave it that way.
We can't let emotions run rampant through our cockpits, we need to operate calmly and effectively (and efficiently). Fighting doesn't help.
Guys, guys, guys, why are you fighting? This thread is about women and their lack of blame for doing stupid chit. And y'all fight? *tsk tsk tsk* :)
Emotions are for chicks, let's leave it that way.
We can't let emotions run rampant through our cockpits, we need to operate calmly and effectively (and efficiently). Fighting doesn't help.

I ain’t fightin. Who’s fightin? I’m “inflaming.” Biiiiiiig difference. Fighting involves challenges and threats and such. My modus operondon’t (ha) includes passive aggression and subtle innuendo coupled with high-brow humor, sprinkled liberally (get it? Liberally?) with sarcasm. Fighting is for boys who can’t reign in their roids. Me, fight? Never. It’s hard to type clever repartee whilst wrestling with an angry T-abuser who is grunting in your ear, so I refrain from such troglodytical pursuits.
I ain’t fightin. Who’s fightin? I’m “inflaming.” Biiiiiiig difference. Fighting involves challenges and threats and such. My modus operondon’t (ha) includes passive aggression and subtle innuendo coupled with high-brow humor, sprinkled liberally (get it? Liberally?) with sarcasm. Fighting is for boys who can’t reign in their roids. Me, fight? Never. It’s hard to type clever repartee whilst wrestling with an angry T-abuser who is grunting in your ear, so I refrain from such troglodytical pursuits.
TMI....’specially the grunting in yer ear bit...
TMI....’specially the grunting in yer ear bit...

Which is why I said I don’t participate in that activity. Sorry if it brought up old memories! I know how you frat guys tell yourselves that it’s all part of the “brotherhood” so it’s ok. ;)
Which is why I said I don’t participate in that activity. Sorry if it brought up old memories! I know how you frat guys tell yourselves that it’s all part of the “brotherhood” so it’s ok. ;)
Non-trad here so dunno ‘bout that stuff. It does sound like you are quite expert on it though since you are able to describe it in such detail.
Non-trad here so dunno ‘bout that stuff. It does sound like you are quite expert on it though since you are able to describe it in such detail.

You’re too kind, calling me an expert, but I do appreciate that you recognize my monumental intellect. Just so you’re not uncomfortable conversing, I want you to know that I don’t look down on you as much as you think I do. ;)
I love it when peeps try to sound super smart on the interwebz.

Man, if you like that, I hear there’s whole TV channels with moron politicians on them all day. Sick people who have a need to see such stuff watch them constantly, and hang on the idiot’s every word, apparently. I wouldn’t know. I don’t partake.
Man, if you like that, I hear there’s whole TV channels with moron politicians on them all day. Sick people who have a need to see such stuff watch them constantly, and hang on the idiot’s every word, apparently. I wouldn’t know. I don’t partake.

C-SPAN used to be a good way to see how Congress worked. Now it is the best way to see how it doesn’t.
C-SPAN used to be a good way to see how Congress worked. Now it is the best way to see how it doesn’t.

It never worked. Deadlock is a true blessing whenever it occurs. Amy time you hear “bipartisan” grab the lube, they’re all coming for you.
You’re too kind, calling me an expert, but I do appreciate that you recognize my monumental intellect. Just so you’re not uncomfortable conversing, I want you to know that I don’t look down on you as much as you think I do. ;)
That’s okay. I know that you worship the ground I walk upon.
Denverpilot for kinggggg!!! 2020! Free GTN 650s for all!
We had a son and a daughter. Anyone who tells you that boys and girls are the same has never raised one of each. They are completely different. He was all boy and she was all girl. And I'm not sorry about that at all. They're grown, out of the house and married now, but they are still completely different.
Oh but the smartest among us know better. You just conditioned them to be that way. It was abuse really, buying your daughter dolls and tea sets. And you probably even expected your son to play with trucks and to get dirty. What an archaic and repressive childhood your kids must’ve experienced. The good things is, we’re changing that now. Boys in skirts and girls on the football team; that is the path to real freedom and enlightenment. Cultural evolution knows no error, only progress.
Oh but the smartest among us know better. You just conditioned them to be that way. It was abuse really, buying your daughter dolls and tea sets. And you probably even expected your son to play with trucks and to get dirty. What an archaic and repressive childhood your kids must’ve experienced. The good things is, we’re changing that now. Boys in skirts and girls on the football team; that is the path to real freedom and enlightenment. Cultural evolution knows no error, only progress.

BS, and you know it. :D