I just flew from Norway to the Netherlands for a funeral, back on the same evening.
I always check where th exits are, relative to me, and how the exit doors open. I still think the "how to use a seatbelt" is a bad start, gives people the idea it isn't important to pay attention. But oh well.
No, the thing that puzzles me totally is how many people don't even look out the window, or glance out the window and then turn away as if it were the worlds dullest tv show, back to their little movie on their phone or iPad. Maybe even I find it more interesting now that I'm flying GA, I don't know but I have always loved the view, when under the clouds, and then even above them (spectacular).
I was thinking, if you drive the same person up to the top of some mountain exactly where you are now, they would be all "wow, what a wonderful view, this is amazing" but somehow being in an aircraft negates it all for them.
I don't understand people that don't check out the view from above. Maybe some nervous flyers don't like to be reminded they are up in the air and rather pretend they are in a cramped living room that magically ends up in Des Moines?