Who's up for renewing their AOPA membership for $1000

Would you pay $1000 to renew your AOPA?

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Line Up and Wait
Jan 26, 2012
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Just got this in the mail, an option to become a "life" member for $1000.
Nope. Paid my money for their "protection plan" and when the rubber hit the road they were the first out the door.

Think I'd have been better off going to Vegas and enriching the casinos.
Not a chance in hell, I'm not not a member because it's expensive, I'm not a member because they are failing to represent my interests.
Not ready to part with that much money for such a short return,of course if they keep increasing the dues,it may pay in the long run.
I like AOPA O.K., but probably wouldn't drop $1K all at once. They might do something to irk me later, or I could lose my medical, etc.

They do annoy some folks, and that's cool - each to his own. They run some good seminars, have some decent training resources, planning stuff, and I've used them for insurance in the past.

The magazine isn't Flying, for sure, but it usually has some good tidbits, and at least one story that interests me.
No. I'm a member, but I'm not going to pay $1,000 for a lifetime membership.
A better question: Would you pay $1000 to have them stop nagging you to renew?
They all offer this. NRA does the same thing. I won't do it because then I don't have any more dues to withhold when they do something I don't agree with.
If they actually achieved something in the last few years I might have stayed with them after my current membership expires but they seem these days to be all talk and no action. At least when Phil was Chairman, he was on tv talking about issues, since then I bet if you put Craig and the current guy in a police line up, how many pilots could identify them ?

"what have the romans ever done for us"
Just got this in the mail, an option to become a "life" member for $1000.

I have faith in the EAA, so much so I dished out that amount for a Lifetime membership.......

I don't trust the AOPA as far as I could push a fully loaded A-380 Scarebus..
I am a life member of The Harley Owner's Group, but that was only $400 and I feel I get more benefit from that membership. Not to mention I will never buy another make of motorcycle again anyways. Call me loyal I guess.

The NRA lifetime membership is nowhere near $1K. They run specials for $300, I believe.
I've paid way more than that over the 37 years I've been a member.
I've paid way more than that over the 37 years I've been a member.


I have been a member for 35 years just because they supposably represent GA on the hill...

I say.. The AOPA should grandfather both of us into the lifetime membership..:yes::yes::D
I'm not not a member because it's expensive, I'm not a member because they are failing to represent my interests.

I'm coming up for renewal in December and am seriously thinking about throwing in the towel, for the exact reason you list. In the past, the magazine and maybe a hat or bag from time to time might have given me a feeling of value, but today, the magazine only serves to brag about the accomplishments of "AOPA Old Guard", and as an advertising platform to up-sell me on their useless add-ons. Legal Plan Example: I submitted my hangar lease for review with three simple questions, and got a canned response back from Yodice that didn't bother to address any of the three questions. I don't know who in the hell he thinks he is working for but it certainly isn't me, so I probably should quit paying him.


There isn't one. We are not big enough to lobby.
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OK guys...

I just got this in my email..
Respond today to receive a great gift and DOUBLE the power of your support!
Dear Stephen,

Recently I sent you a letter to alert you that I'd reserved a new 2015-2016 AOPA Foundation Calendar in your name.

If you haven't already replied to my letter, please respond today. These calendars are now in short supply and I want to make sure we can keep one in reserve for you.

To receive your calendar, simply click here and make a donation in any amount you can afford to the AOPA Foundation. In fact, there's never been a better time to give a gift to the AOPA Foundation than right now – thanks to a matching grant we've received that will double the power of your support.

By giving a gift in any amount you can afford, you'll double your impact on our safety and proficiency programs. You'll double your impact on our airport protection efforts. And you'll double your impact on our programs to improve pilot training so that more student pilots can earn their certificates and join our ranks.

Plus, your contribution is fully tax-deductible as well!

Again, if you've already responded to my letter, thank you for your support. Your calendar will be on its way soon. But if not, please make a generous, tax-deductible donation to the AOPA Foundation today. Regular AOPA dues can't cover our Foundation efforts, and only by reaching out to you can we ensure the success of our mission in the months ahead.

Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to hearing from you, and to sending your calendar in appreciation of your generous gift!


Mark R. Baker
Chief Executive Officer and President
AOPA Foundation

So.. The question is... On the calendar page is gives different amount to donate....


I am thinking I will click on "other" and donate 0.01 cents...

Do you think it will process my donation ???:dunno::rolleyes:
It'll likely cost them money just to process it. :p
Last time they sent me something like that I replied and added every email address I could find in the AOPA directory and told them exactly why I wouldn't rejoin nor donate to any of their useless money grubbing programs without mincing any words. I have not received another email since. :rofl:
I'm tired of the solicitations for money as well.

No status updates for the members... Just "give us money!"

Well... I did make a donation earlier in the year. Guess it wasn't enough. Unfortunately I'm out of money now. Had to pay for my medical.
I'm tired of the solicitations for money as well.

No status updates for the members... Just "give us money!"

Well... I did make a donation earlier in the year. Guess it wasn't enough. Unfortunately I'm out of money now. Had to pay for my medical.

No updates on what? Theres an email every week?
Due to their executive high salaries, I dropped a while back, and until they get control of these, I have no interest. Go read what they pay folks.

Add in part 23 rewrite and 3rd class medical are not done.

Sorry AOPA. You burned me for the last time.
Well, duh, it's obviously "furshlugginer." I first encountered this word in Mad magazine.


The winner already ate his chicken dinner..... You can PM him to see if he will share the bones though...;).......:D

Ps... There "might" be a little cole slaw left over....:rolleyes:
Yeah I agree they say that the represent us on the hill. But nothing seems to be changing. Gas is expensive, planes are expensive, hell flying is expensive. 1000 buys a lot of fuel.

However I am completely on board with the guys that have been members for 30 years being grandfathered in to a lifetime membership. You fine gentlemen have put in your time.

Of course this is all IMHO
At my age, it's below stupid to consider paying for a life membership in anything. I don't even buy green bananas anymore. ;)

I just got an email notice from them saying my credit card couldn't be charged my renewal fee. Please call, blah blah blah.

I hit delete.