Whoa...... 2 gigs Of Memory Rock!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2008
Husker Nation, NE
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I just upgraded my laptop to 2 gigs of RAM from 1. Programs load much faster. Look out POA, I can now post twice as much stuff! :lol:

Oh yea, I had them install a new keyboard. The numbers and letters were wearing off.

I wonder how many keyboards Scott has gone though? :yikes:

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Try an i7-930 w/3 gigs and SATA III (6 GB). Holy ****....
I've had 4GB in my laptops for the last couple of years. I'm thinking of taking this one to 8. :yes:
Heck, this prompted me to upgrade my laptop to 2GB! :)
Now I need to load a 64-bit OS on my desktop to take full advantage of the 4GB I have there!
Well, the upgrade in memory came i today, and i had it installed in less than a half hour. on my laptop there are two memory locations. one of them involves removing the keyboard. Nevertheless, I had the new memory installed in less than a half hour. Even better, I was able to upgrade another laptop from 512KB to 1GB with the memory from the other laptop, so i got two upgrades out of it! At this point, they're both maxed out at 2GB and 1gb, respectively. And I have 2 256MB DDRs sitting here unused unfortunately they're so small that I don't see anyone needing them. Drop me a PM if you do!