...Brownwood, which has avgas for $2.52/gallon!
If you'da timed it right, you could have waved at me as I sprinted past, on the way to the bathroom.
I saw a guy running really fast but he was being chased by other guys with guns. That was you?
We were there about 12.30. The dang FBO was closed up. So much for some lemonade while my student handled matters for the next leg. You must have gone to the north side of the big hangar, near Pete's office.
We did top off up there but put in all of six gallons. He didn't get it quite to the tabs, it appears. But, he's learning.
AQO is at $2.40.
You'd be "winner, winner, chicken dinner" with either...
We were wondering if the burger joint would be open. I was trying to pick a point he was least on top of his position. But, the student who claimed "There's nothing out there for a reference!" did quite well maintaining his location. So, we're about the 270 off LLO. "Uh oh, there's some bad weather down south! We can't go any further south. We have East or West but don't dare go any further South lest you end up in IMC."
He plotted his position quite quickly so, amazingly, he picked Llano for a diversion. Cooper's it was. I ate a chunk of tater salad a bit too fast and almost choked. Oops! Other than that, the prime rib was awesome!
We went on to T82 and did a crash and dash before heading on to Lockhart (50R) for another touch before heading home. Originally, we were gonna hang out and let him do some night landings but it had been a long day. He claims he's jinxed at Lockhart so of course, his landing was not quite up to par. After that he says, "You realize we're going to do that again, right?" I guess it was no going home until he had a landing I couldn't criticize.
That one did turn out well so it was off to Austin.
He's actually a pretty good student so the last couple flights I've been playing the role of the "PITA" passenger who doesn't stop bugging the pilot. "We lost the engine? Uh oh. Wow, where we landing? But, that place over there looks good! Man, I really hope this comes out well. But, where are we landing?" Later, we talked about the "ISO" switch on the comm panel as well as calming your passengers or even excusing yourself from conversation from the DPE.
I was full when we left Llano but now I sure wish I had gotten some of that sauce. Some bread dipped in that sauce right now would make for an awesome snack!