who wants burrito delivered via Drone?

I like it! Pizza, wings, beer, man it would explode here. Not the beer (hopefully) but the delivery service.
Burritos in Australia....hmmm, I’m just not making the connection....
Automating the process of landing site selection seems like a tall order.
I like it! Pizza, wings, beer, man it would explode here. Not the beer (hopefully) but the delivery service.


Delivery service sometimes backfires. When we were younger my BIL asked his son to bring us a couple of beers. The kid handed them to us with a smile. Only when we popped the tabs did we realize the imp had shaken them to the point most of the beer exited the can and landed in our laps. I still occasionally chide him about that.
Isn't there already a thread about a person dropping burritos in to people's yards?

They couldn't have been Burritos if they were left by someone with a "camel toe".

See y'all in thirty days. LOL.


Stock up on beer. We'r gonna need it.
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Delivery service sometimes backfires. When we were younger my BIL asked his son to bring us a couple of beers. The kid handed them to us with a smile. Only when we popped the tabs did we realize the imp had shaken them to the point most of the beer exited the can and landed in our laps. I still occasionally chide him about that.

****ing kids! :D
That right thar is alcohol abuse, wasting good beer like that.
Whatya drink up there Norman? When I lived in Duluth as a kid I remember all those Hamm commercials in the early 60s, then I was stationed in Korea and all we had on base was Hamms and Olympia. Both weren't bad at all, especially when compared with Korean beer.
****ing kids! :D
That right thar is alcohol abuse, wasting good beer like that.
Whatya drink up there Norman? When I lived in Duluth as a kid I remember all those Hamm commercials in the early 60s, then I was stationed in Korea and all we had on base was Hamms and Olympia. Both weren't bad at all, especially when compared with Korean beer.

Ah, yes, "The land of sky blue waters" and I remember those days. One "GIQ" of Hamms along with a pizza made by an Italian immigrant made for a good Saturday evening.

Ah, yes, "The land of sky blue waters" and I remember those days. One "GIQ" of Hamms along with a pizza made by an Italian immigrant made for a good Saturday evening.


Yeah think there was an animated bear on those commercials too. I was 10 so I couldn't partake, or could/did I...hmmm
Yeah think there was an animated bear on those commercials too. I was 10 so I couldn't partake, or could/did I...hmmm

You were underprivileged. My dad let me have an occasional beer in my early teens but it was under strict supervision.
You were underprivileged. My dad let me have an occasional beer in my early teens but it was under strict supervision.

I did have a 'hmmm' there at the end....now my Italian grandfather, who spoke no English, he'd give me some beer when he had a quart bottle he'd be drinking back in his garden shed, away from grammom lol.
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I did have a 'hmmm' there at the end....now my Italian grandfather, who spoke no English, he'd give me some beer when he had a quart bottle he'd be drinking back in his garden shed, away from grammom lol.

Don Card? :devil:

Somehow don't sound Italian. ;)
I'm thinking Scardina.

Mine is harder since @eman1200 renamed me to ravioli. I used to be rolivi which was two letters away from my actual (french) last name. Now it needs 4 letters to be correct.
Ah, yes, "The land of sky blue waters" and I remember those days. One "GIQ" of Hamms along with a pizza made by an Italian immigrant made for a good Saturday evening.


Is Grain belt in your area?

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Delivery service sometimes backfires. When we were younger my BIL asked his son to bring us a couple of beers. The kid handed them to us with a smile. Only when we popped the tabs did we realize the imp had shaken them to the point most of the beer exited the can and landed in our laps. I still occasionally chide him about that.

I'm surprised he survived to adulthood. ;)
****ing kids! :D
That right thar is alcohol abuse, wasting good beer like that.
Whatya drink up there Norman? When I lived in Duluth as a kid I remember all those Hamm commercials in the early 60s, then I was stationed in Korea and all we had on base was Hamms and Olympia. Both weren't bad at all, especially when compared with Korean beer.

Olympia??! What, the submarines out of Bangor would use it as ballast and then donate it to you homesick Air Force jockeys on arrival? No wonder you're a PBR man now.

Best Pacific Northwest beer advert of my drunken youth (not to be confused with my drunken adulthood):

Mt St Helens looked a little different then

St Helens? o_O :eek:

That's Mt Rainier. Looks about the same today: :)

Olympia??! What, the submarines out of Bangor would use it as ballast and then donate it to you homesick Air Force jockeys on arrival? No wonder you're a PBR man now.

Best Pacific Northwest beer advert of my drunken youth (not to be confused with my drunken adulthood):

Like I said, that's all we had on the base was Oly and Hamms. How it got there didn't matter, still better than the Korean crap. ;)

But I'm good from PBR to craft beers, and we have quite a few in the BHM area. Hey Mt Rainer, beautiful. I lived in Blaine WA when dad was stationed at an AC&W radar site by Birch Bay. Beautiful up there.
My family used to have a cabin on Birch Bay. It's gone all upscale, waterfront, organic oyster bar now.
My family used to have a cabin on Birch Bay. It's gone all upscale, waterfront, organic oyster bar now.

Wow, figured that as we lived there in the early 60s. Wasn't much going on then. Progress right? About a mile I guess inland was the radar site. Still some foundations there, buildings repurposed, and housing I guess used locally. It was called Blaine AFS.
St Helens? o_O :eek:

That's Mt Rainier. Looks about the same today: :)

Yeah. It hit me in a few minutes after I posted it and deleted it right away. I hearby plead guilty to being so stupid as to have thought even for a minute that it was St. Helens instead of Ranier. It was a Ranier Beer commercial for gawds sake
i think the next great idea of delivery by drones will be toilet paper, who densest need that when in a tight situation :p