Who killed J.F.K.?

I'm trying to stay in the middle.
I believe in sharing and giving, but at my choosing, not forcibly taken.
If the left wants to give away all they have for the better good, then they should put all their money in a pool and divvy it up with all with their hand out.
Maybe an additional tax on liberals. You guys love taxes, go for it.
Then all the money from the middle and right would go to improving this country through investment, business and other worthwhile things that create opportunity not all the useless government overhead.Making a bigger govment does not count as job creation. It's increasing the welfare line length.

Let the churches run all the charities. We can all donate as much or little as we want to whatever organization we agree with.
We would soon see what really matters to everyone.
With the gubmint you have no say in the matter.
I don't believe in most abortion. I should not have to pay for it for someone who takes no precautions on their Fri. nite one nite stands. If you believe in it you pay for it ,you'll feel good about yourself, nice huh?
There are people that are right and people that are wrong or er oops I mean left ,there fixed that:wink2::popcorn:
I believe in sharing and giving, but at my choosing, not forcibly taken.

I believe in discussing politics when I'm in the mood, not having it forced on me outside The Spin Zone.
The strongest scientific evidence indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald is the murder. Is there doubt, yes. There is very little that we are absolutely sure of.

Most of those videos are a waste of time. Most of the conspiracy theories have been debunked. The ones that haven't been debunked, are weak.

Have to disagree. LBJ is the most likely mastermind of the assassination. Only one fingerprint was found in the shooters nest and it DIDN'T belong to LHO.
Oswald killed Kennedy. The Warren Commission screwed up the investigation and left holes to be filled by conspiracy theorists. End of story, he acted alone. At least the Warren Commission got that part right. ;)

Oswald was involved for sure. I don't think he pulled the trigger because the fingerprint found at the shooters nest wasn't his. I think Oswald was a stooge used to deflect attention away from the other conspirators, all linked to LBJ. Hell, even Oswald is only seperted from LBJ by 2 degrees, they both knew people in common.
Nope...comparing two crackpot theories, neither of which have much by way of credible evidence.

Uh-huh. Okay. Well thanks for your valuable input on the topic. When we have enough 'credible evidence' we'll be sure to write it down on a letterhead marked OFFICIAL STORY and send it to you.
I believe in discussing politics when I'm in the mood, not having it forced on me outside The Spin Zone.

Sorry, didn't think I was forcing.
I would agree with you on politics -- but then we'd both be wrong:wink2: