Which LSA is best for me?

Well, the first thing are Sonexes, of course. Just make sure they actually comply with LSA rules about Vs0, in writing. Those easily comply with your speed requirements, although not sure about payload. They are all above $30k though.

Next come Seareys, if you're into that. They are very slow, like slower than Cub slow, but ton of fun, great community, etc. etc. They are very close to blowing your "faster than a car" requirement. Texas freeways are just too good. If you relocate to Florida or Louisiana, though...

There's also a pretty RANS S-7 for sale for $27k. It's a little bit faster than a Cub, toe brakes. Sadly, Jabiru engine on that one.

Just curious why don't you like the Jabiru engine?
Just curious why don't you like the Jabiru engine?
Mostly because it's different. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, but then there's nothing wrong with ULpower either. I know whom to call to fix a Rotax.

P.S. If you want an excuse to rage, check this:
So we’ve owned two Jabiru engines: One that failed catastrophically after 60 hours, and one that failed catastrophically after 2.5 hours and again after 480 hours. That’s an average of 180 hours between catastrophic failures. At that rate we can expect a forced landing in a cow pasture every 18 months.

(I didn't even have to BinGoogle for it - had it in my library :-)
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Aeronca 7AC, 7BCM, 7CCM, 7DC and bunches of others on that list are Champs.
But the current production ACA 7EC is not on the list, why is that? It seems to comply with all requirements, but the company website is suspiciously quiet on the issue, too. I'm wondering if there's a catch.
Um Nick, the solution is obvious. Get Brianna to get her pilot certificate and have her act as PIC!
You say you don't mind experimental, and this is in your revised $50k range: http://www.controller.com/listingsd...YOTE-II/2006-RANS-S-6S-COYOTE-II/1217945.htm?

Not sure about load though.
About 600 lbs useful, depending how it's built. I already linked a couple of similar S-6 above, for Nick to chomp at.

This is $5k above, but should be able to handle the loads just fine. It does at Chesapeake Sport Pilot. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/SKY-ARROW-600-SPORT/2006-SKY-ARROW-600-SPORT/1191893.htm
I dunno about this one. As much as I like Sky Arrows (especially the visibility), the useful load is about 100 to 120 lbs less than on S-6. Nick is heavier than I am, his wife is heavier than my wife, and I remember that Sky Arrow was kind of marginal for us with any baggage. The example linked is overpriced, too. Basically half the life of the engine is gone, and what they ask, $55k? Please! Finally, I have a nagging suspicion that I saw that airplane before, and it was not flying, being stuck in the owner's garage. I think I recognize the fence in the picture... I am likely to be completely wrong about it though.
About 600 lbs useful, depending how it's built. I already linked a couple of similar S-6 above, for Nick to chomp at.

Welp, looks like my refrigerator blindness is acting up again!

I dunno about this one. As much as I like Sky Arrows (especially the visibility), the useful load is about 100 to 120 lbs less than on S-6. Nick is heavier than I am, his wife is heavier than my wife, and I remember that Sky Arrow was kind of marginal for us with any baggage. The example linked is overpriced, too. Basically half the life of the engine is gone, and what they ask, $55k? Please! Finally, I have a nagging suspicion that I saw that airplane before, and it was not flying, being stuck in the owner's garage. I think I recognize the fence in the picture... I am likely to be completely wrong about it though.

CSP doesn't usually have an issue...but maybe they fill only partway up with fuel. *Consults POH* Yeah, it looks like it would be a real stretch for you...so never mind.

Here's an example of a Zodiac 601 HD that, from what I understand, has the older wing design that dosen't have flutter problems: http://www.barnstormers.com/classified_623715_Zodiac+601+HD+-+Light+Sport+AC.html

According to a post on another forum, the "NTSB database only has one structural failure listed for any Zodiac HD or HDS model, and that was due to a modified canopy system." There have apparently been 8 for the newer XL model. Do please correct me though if I'm wrong.
There's a great shot of a J3 Cub on Amphib floats at Sun and Fun, on AOPA's page today.

There you go, the perfect LSA!

I know you won't fit. With amphib floats I'm not sure if I would fit either, what with the useful load that would be left with that setup.