Eric Brunelle
Pre-takeoff checklist
Well, he DID use the aileron to start the turn. I didn't see him make an "elevator only" turn.
The other 10% drive around all say with one blinking.90% of cars don’t seem to have turn signals...
Lesson #1: if the controls feel funny, shut down and get things looked at. Do not take off. Optimism cannot create safety.
Unfortunately it sometimes takes a few “events” to learn that when the airplane talks to you, you should listen.Lesson #1: if the controls feel funny, shut down and get things looked at. Do not take off. Optimism cannot create safety.
Unfortunately it sometimes takes a few “events” to learn that when the airplane talks to you, you should listen.
I did disagree with the Chief Pilot when he said changing the oil to winter weight would resolve the loss of oil pressure I had in flight. He finally agreed when I drained the oil and it looked like metallic paint."It only does that on the ground."
Link doesn't work.if one Accident isn't enough to emphasize it, here is another. unfortunately this one was Fatal, but the telling part is "the pilots shut down the engine on the runway, the instructor got out and inspected the airplane, then boarded the airplane again and the pilots subsequently departed."
That will depend on the trim of the airplane. If the CG is aft, little stabilizer/elevator downforce is needed and adding power might not raise the nose much at all.I had an instructor who liked to ask, if you have the plane trimmed perfectly for level flight and you add throttle, without making any other input changes, what does the plane do? Most people say it speeds up. The answer is, it slows down, at least for awhile. You add power, the nose goes up, the plane slows down. If you pull power, the nose drops and it speeds up. I was never really amused.'s because his link is to a local file on is computer.
Such an underrated character (of himself).
whatever the DPE believes turns the aircraft.
Spencer Suderman?!!
He owes me money!!
Along with General Barneke?
"Where is your drill sergeant?"
Same with most Cessnas, it was taught to us as an emergency flight control.Open your door when you are sailing in your floatplane.......door=turns
As we mentioned before, the tailfeathers line the nose up with the track. Mostly. You'll see a slip unless you add some rudder and elevator. The airplane is a dart. Or an arrow. The feathers make it track straight.I know rolling the wings turn the nose of the plane to a new heading. I know it does this by providing lateral thrust when wings are tilted - horizontal component of lift.
Must confess though I’m not visualizing how that works. It would seem the lateral thrust would move the track left or right.
If the center of lift is forward of the CG then I can “see” how that works, as it would pivot around the CG.
How however does it still work when the CG is forward of the center of lift? Maybe that would be an un flyable configuration?
Oh man, not this again. He's also wrong. What happens with plane that has no elevator? It can't turn? I can lock the elevator and it will turn.
Oh man, not this again. He's also wrong. What happens with plane that has no elevator? It can't turn? I can lock the elevator and it will turn.
There's some confusion there. The stall increases with bank angle, as long as we're coordinated and not slipping. Lowering the nose ONLY BRFIEFLY decreases the stall speed in a bank as long as the nose keeps dropping and the load factor is held below the level-flight factor. So you have to keep the nose dropping until the airplane is in a vertical dive.One can be more granular but we are flying airplanes not engineering them. On that note, POHs show increasing stall speeds with bank angle increases. Those charts assume maintaining level flight (back pressure or trim) which is what increases the stall speed, not the bank angle.
I think this misconception leads people to fear turns close to the ground, do bad things with their feet and elevator due to a fundamental misunderstanding of what the flight controls actually do. The control input that saves your life in that context is the elevator. Unloading back pressure thus lowering the AOA and wing loading.
The ailerons - primary function is to set the rate of turn — they do not turn the airplane. Secondary fx is adverse yaw.
On that note, POHs show increasing stall speeds with bank angle increases. Those charts assume maintaining level flight (back pressure or trim) which is what increases the stall speed, not the bank angle.
This should have been the end of the answer. If the lift vector is tilted, a turn may result, but elevator is neither necessary nor sufficient to turn. Once again, oversimplification leads to misunderstanding. If you fix (i.e. 'freeze') the elevator, roll so the wings are at, say, 45 deg angle of bank, and add power, will the airplane turn? Hint: Yes. Try it. Why? Because increasing airspeed also increases 'the horizontal component of lift', which turns the airplane. If you pull back on the stick, er, yoke, but reduce power does the airplane turn? Which way? Depends on how much of each you do - a little aft stuck and a big power reduction will result in a steady descent, not a 'turn.' The oversimplification would lead one to believe that the rudder-only model in post #3 of this thread cannot turn, and yet...Elevator - adjusts AOA.