Where is this and what's up?


Mar 19, 2005
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Maybe too easy. The airplane is a clue.
Troy Whistman said:
Looks like Boeing Field (KBFI) in Seattle. First flight of one of their jets?
First flight is correct, but it's not BFI. Very close, though.
Everskyward said:
First flight is correct, but it's not BFI. Very close, though.

Maybe Renton. It's not Paine Field; I grew up next door to Paine Field and that's where I started my flight training. Paine is up ON a bluff (hill), but doesn't have any around it like that picture has.
Renton is correct. I'm not so good at airliner ID so I couldn't say exactly what kind of airplane it is other than it was made by Boeing at the plant there.

What's interesting to me is that the runway at RNT is only 5382' long. If I was going to take off in a just-off-the-assembly-line-airplane I would want at least 10,000'. :eek:

On the other hand, they must take off very light. I'm standing near the departure end of the runway and the airplane is already pretty high in the air. By the time they passed overhead they looked like this...
Did you see the concrete blast fence at other end so they don't blow the cars off the road. Not too long but then it goes straight into the water, no trees.
Everskyward said:
What's interesting to me is that the runway at RNT is only 5382' long. If I was going to take off in a just-off-the-assembly-line-airplane I would want at least 10,000'. :eek:

They are very, very sure of their product, I was along for an acceptance flight (737-300) a few yrs ago... no trip around the patch or nuttin', just file to Love and off into the soup.
ejensen said:
Did you see the concrete blast fence at other end so they don't blow the cars off the road.
If you mean the checkerboard orange and white one, I was standing almost parallel to it when I took the picture. We get a very good view of it each time we take off or land to the south!
Everskyward said:
If you mean the checkerboard orange and white one, I was standing almost parallel to it when I took the picture. We get a very good view of it each time we take off or land to the south!

Yep, for some reason I thought you were at the other end. No over run at Renton. Concrete wall at one end, water on the other. Need to see amphibs land and taxi straight out of the lake to the ramp.
Anthony said:
Gaston's Northwest. Here's an alternative to Gaston's WAY Northwest.

Here you are at your B&B with your nice airplane and your 2300' grass strip (I asked). :yes: