Where is the ideal place to train? (I'll relocate)

Oh, well that makes sense. I was sort of surprised to learn that soaring counts toward your overall hours just in general. But then again, why not? My son started with powered flying, got his PPL and instrument rating, then caught the soaring bug. He's been building hours in gliders and now has decided to pursue a career path. All that time spent helped him get a boost going forward. And kept him active when otherwise frequent flying was cost prohibitive.
My logbook shows I had 7.6hrs in gliders and 15 logged flights + 2 that weren't logged (Just flying with another glider pilot) when I completed my Private pilot glider addon check ride.
I would have had less hours, but I caught thermals on a few of my 10 solo flights. My 1st solo flight and 5th logged flight was 1.4 hours long.
