Gas prices are putting a strain on my flying. It seems they go up about a buck a month. At my home field, it is currently $8.10. As others have said, it's not so much the cash but the idea of taking the bird up and flying to a destination without seeing other pilots and their planes around. I can definitely say that the skies are noticeably empty and same for the GA areas of the local fields.
At my home field, when I was out prepping the plane for a flight, there used to be quite a few fellow pilots out at the tie down area doing the same or just hanging around. It was not unusual for a conversation to start or a group to form. I miss that social interaction aspect, lately the field is like a ghost town. Same for a lot of our usual destinations, nobody around except for the FBO guys.
Combine that with the demise of most of the on field restaurants in this area and you can see why all of this has put a damper on flying, at least around here. I think it's mostly due to the perception that it cost too much to fly for what is now a $200 hamburger and not so much the actual cost of avgas. But never the less, things are noticeably quieter around the community.
I am not one to take my plane up just to do touch and goes unless I feel like I need the practice. I like to fly cross country to a destination that has some sort of an attraction. Be it a restaurant for a day trip or some other venue that we can stay for a day or two. You add the cost of the flight, a rental car, a hotel and the cost of food and it piles up. So yep, this whole economic situation has really put the brakes on flying for me.