Mine is set to show ETE on the map screen and the CDI page. It's easy to count from pattern altitude to cruise; needn't be exact, round the pattern to the closest 500'. It's then 2 minutes per 1000' to descend, plus a minute to two to slow to pattern speed (I descend at cruise power to get free speed from the altitude that I climbed at high fuel burn).
Example: cruising along at 9500 msl. Pattern at home was 1600 msl (one of my first "real" trips). That's 8000' to lose, so 16 minutes. When ETE showed 18:00, I pushed on the yoke for 500 fpm and trimmed to hold it. As I come down, periodically walk throttle back and mixture forward to maintain cruise MP and EGT values. If I recall, this point was 56 nm out, well over the horizon and certainly beyond visibility for much of the descent.
This does require the ability to fly at pattern altitude for 3-5 miles from the airport, not an issue in my part of WV.
That concept works were there in NO mountains around.. I have to deal with cumulo granites 8000 higher then the runway 2 miles away....
I LOVE to ( peg the VSI 2000 fpm down) on the descent.. Altho I do pre-screen all my passengers and make sure they love to ride roller coasters..
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