Pre-takeoff checklist
That is enough to slow your thinking down.... It's not a lot, you don't really even notice it mostly, but if he had recognized how f-ed he was even 5 seconds earlier he would have had the space to swing wide and around in an easy circle. It's a lot like diving deep on air. You don't realize how messed up on nitrogen narcosis you just were until you take a couple hits of tri-mix (reduced nitrogen partial pressure with helium) straighten you right up. Some guys get so narced on wall dives they just drop off into the abyss.
I will +1 this. Years back I dove with a Dive Master to 176ft on air to find my "limit" for nitrogen narcosis. I felt fine all the way to 170', then stopped at 176' when I started laughing at the squeak my regulator made when I moved the mouthpiece. Did a math problem......... 2+2 = 22 at that depth.
I haven't been through high altitude low O2 training, but would guess the onset is the same. Slow and unnoticed....... unless you're constantly checking yourself for effects. Getting narc'd out was a great way of learning my limits, which is why the altitude training has some appeal.