I have a Mooney, which matches your requirements, so I think this is probably relevant to your interests.
Instead of money do it like this... It's how I convinced myself to buy.
Come up with half a dozen trips (single or recurring, ideally both) that you'd like to do. Then try scheduling them at the place you'd rent from. You don't have to actually put yourself on the schedule, but when it occurs to you to do the trip LOOK at the schedule and see if you could have blocked out the plane for the time you wanted.
For example:
* On a Thursday I looked at the weather and decided a trip to Orlando (500nm) would be fun. Left the next day, stayed the weekend.
* Last weekend, flew to parents house (200nm) had lunch, flew back same day. Why that day? Because.
* Few to six flags a few weeks ago (KFTY). Stayed the night, came home. Because it was a nice weekend and I was bored.
Now. Here's the fun part. When the time comes to take the trip, and the weather would be better if you waited a day, look at the schedule again and see if you can.
When you get frustrated enough, go buy your own plane.