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Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
It's like... I'm standing in the lunch line right, and there is a guy with a big 2000's era flip phone in a belt case! WTF????

I felt like asking him if he drove a Delorean.



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He just simply doesn't want to be bothered with all the bull$!!! that come with a smart phone.

I can't wait till i can launch this iPhone 6 into the river. Worst invention ever. Of course i can turn it off and mute it etc but with it I feel like i'm never out of the office.
I found an old pager a few months back; think I'll clip it onto my belt and see if anyone knows what it is...
I've been seriously tempted to break my wife's phone and get her a flip phone with only text. I really don't care to see a bunch of crap on pinterest 500 times a day.
I feel like maybe you were looking for a reason to snap a pic of some dudes ass? :dunno:

about a year or so ago I still had a blackberry (for work). some kid started making fun of me, which I clearly deserved. the next day I went to my boss and said "give me an iphone" lol.

my dad just (finally) switched from a flip phone to one of the new Samsung phones, or 'mini flat panels' as I like to call them. this thing is huge, bigger than the iphone 6+, and he wears it on his belt. it looks ridiculous. it's so bad I wish he would have kept the flip phone.
I found an old pager a few months back; think I'll clip it onto my belt and see if anyone knows what it is...

If you go up toward any defense facility or DOD/IC contractor, you won't look out of place. In the "secure areas" of the facilities, transmitting devices are not allowed - some pagers are allowed.
I resemble that remark. My flipphone does all I ask of it. Everytime my wife tells me to look at her smartphone I tell her to email it to my tablet so I can see it.

The beauty of email on a tablet as opposed to a smartphone is it is a self inflicted pain. If you don't go out and get it you don't have to worry about it. On a smartphone it comes and gets you.
He just simply doesn't want to be bothered with all the bull$!!! that come with a smart phone.

I can't wait till i can launch this iPhone 6 into the river. Worst invention ever. Of course i can turn it off and mute it etc but with it I feel like i'm never out of the office.

I view things a little differently. I'd rather answer a call or reply to a short email while drinking a pint of Guinness at the pub and working a hottie rather than hanging out at the office waiting for a call or email. My little Motorola Razor flip phone never allowed me to do that. My Iphone on the other hand, has been a game changer.
It's like... I'm standing in the lunch line right, and there is a guy with a big 2000's era flip phone in a belt case! WTF????

I felt like asking him if he drove a Delorean.


Well aren't we bitchy. Would you like a saucer of milk? :rolleyes2:
My Samsung Convoy dumb phone does what I need..

I come from a simpler time.
Yeah yeah, I get it, hipsters and crazies think that flip phones are ridiculous and useless.
But we (us normals) think the same about them!! :lo:
I had a smart phone for, like, 3 months before it broke after falling all of 2 feet. My flip phone is probably 10 years old and still working - couldn't tell you how many times it's been dropped.
I know a few people who have gone back to flip phones. The reason being ,smart phones are to smart for them. They just want to use it as a phone.
I never freakin' call anybody! And when I do it's usually overseas, where need a smartphone enabled VOIP app in order to avoid international charges. The remainder of the usage is email and web access.

It's like a laptop. Except that I can stick it in my pocket. And that even has the added benefit of creating the segway "is that a phone in your pocket or...."
I think we've lost something where every damn phone now looks the same because they mostly are iPhones or Samsungs. And if Apple has their way soon all our watches will look the same too. We need to synchronize haircuts too and then the transformation will be complete.

We need more people like this guy who has the guts to say "no, I won't get the same square boring phone the rest of you sheep are getting".
Whenever some of my douchebag coworkers decide to harass me about my flip phone, I simply ask them: "Why is your smarty-pants phone plugged in on your desk every day? Doesn't the battery last you a whole week??" They usually shut their stupid mouth at that point.
[edit: ok, finally got the image posted]

I've had it since 2004. It works. It does everything I want. I'm not spending $100 on a data plan.

I'm one of those weirdos that wants my phone to be, ya know, a phone.


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I view things a little differently. I'd rather answer a call or reply to a short email while drinking a pint of Guinness at the pub and working a hottie rather than hanging out at the office waiting for a call or email. My little Motorola Razor flip phone never allowed me to do that. My Iphone on the other hand, has been a game changer.

I only do company work on company time, not my own.
Whenever some of my douchebag coworkers decide to harass me about my flip phone, I simply ask them: "Why is your smarty-pants phone plugged in on your desk every day? Doesn't the battery last you a whole week??" They usually shut their stupid mouth at that point.

Call them Climate Deniers for good measure.
I have nothing, got rid of the cell phone last year and haven't looked back, I have a cordless landline phone at the office that does what I need, you know, phone calls. That is all I need it for. I am in my mid thirties, for anyone thinking it is a generational thing.

I think everyone who stares at a stupid phone all day needs to have someone follow them around and video them so they can see just how truly pathetic they look, nothing has happened on your social media sites within the last 1/2 second since you last checked it, put it down and concentrate on (fill in the blank) before you kill or injure somebody else.
About a week ago, I saw the coolest thing I've ever seen a smart phone do.
I was north bound on Highway 20 in Oak Harbor and stopped at the light at Barington and 20, I'm in the right hand land and a big full dresser M/C was pulling up beside me in the left lane, when we both heard the screeching of tires, the M/C rider was quickand did a left turn into the left turn land, stopped and put down the kick stand and got off the bike and walked back to see a young lady texting on her phone, he taps the window, she rolls it down. He reaches in and grabs her phone and throws it on the drug store roof next to us. He simply gets back on his bike and ride away, the light is green by now.

I'm thinking "way to go dude" she dammed near killed ya, bet she won't text for a while.
I wish I had a cell phone. Even though mine is an "ancient" flip phone, it still can do pictures and other things I don't care about. The only non-phone parts I care about are the clock and alarm. Everything else is useless to me.

All I want is to make and receive phone calls, not launch missles on another solar system.

I miss my old brick sized cell phone. It was just a phone, nothing else.
It's like... I'm standing in the lunch line right, and there is a guy with a big 2000's era flip phone in a belt case! WTF????

I felt like asking him if he drove a Delorean.

What are you, like 16 years old, like, right?!?

About a week ago, I saw the coolest thing I've ever seen a smart phone do.
I was north bound on Highway 20 in Oak Harbor and stopped at the light at Barington and 20, I'm in the right hand land and a big full dresser M/C was pulling up beside me in the left lane, when we both heard the screeching of tires, the M/C rider was quickand did a left turn into the left turn land, stopped and put down the kick stand and got off the bike and walked back to see a young lady texting on her phone, he taps the window, she rolls it down. He reaches in and grabs her phone and throws it on the drug store roof next to us. He simply gets back on his bike and ride away, the light is green by now.

I'm thinking "way to go dude" she dammed near killed ya, bet she won't text for a while.

I have so wanted to do that...
Guy called me last week, said he was in an auto accident where a woman made a lane change right into the side of his car. He told me she was talking on a handheld phone (illegal while driving in that state). I asked him how he knew she was on the phone. He said when he walked up to her door he heard her say into her phone, "Oh, guess I better go. I've just been in an accident. Bye!"


I have so wanted to do that...
I bet smartphones fly better when thrown than would an old-style flip-phone. Better aerodynamics.

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Lunch line? WTF? We ARE talking High School here aren't we?
Let's see, what year was High School?
Isn't a cell phone made to make calls? The internet, music player, flashflight, video game, texting, gps are all nice added features. I still have a flip phone and never had the need to go to a smartphone but YMMV.
I bet smartphones fly better when thrown than would an old-style flip-phone. Better aerodynamics.

couldn't prove that by me, I didn't see the flight, just the launch
Guy called me last week, said he was in an auto accident where a woman made a lane change right into the side of his car. He told me she was talking on a handheld phone (illegal while driving in that state). I asked him how he knew she was on the phone. He said when he walked up to her door he heard her say into her phone, "Oh, guess I better go. I've just been in an accident. Bye!"


I bet smartphones fly better when thrown than would an old-style flip-phone. Better aerodynamics.


Certainly they are heavier and slimmer. I got my first cell phone in 98 or 99, some kind of Nokia thing. It was smaller and lighter than my i5 (They all were) and when smashed it out of rage, I had to resort to the hammer. Now, the Motorola Razor, on the other hand, was more like the iPhone, in that it was heavier and slimmer, and did more damage when thrown at top velocity against a concrete block wall. Since completion of various anger management courses throughout my professional career, I have yet to test the theory with the iPhone but I suspect I could probably throw it the farthest of all of the phones I've owned.
Like a rectangular Frisbee I'd bet!

Hopefully not like a boomerang!
Barf me out, like totally!


Barf out. Gag me with a spoon. Grody to the max.

Oh, and Moon Zappa abruptly killed that talk around LA. No one spoke that way anymore after that stupid song came out. Except easterners trying to look cool….