What to do after a forced landing..

After you land you get out and kiss the ground then wait, and wait for your friends whom you where flying with to come back in a car and pick you up.

You then go and get a trailer and drive back out to the field that is holding your pride and joy.

You then have two options, take the wings off, or if its a smaller airplane put her on the trailer long wise with the tail hanging over one side and the engine and prop hanging over the other side.

By the time you get back out to your plane get her loaded its around 2 am and not a lot of traffic on the country roads home.

That is how I did it when I lost my reduction unit and prop at 1000'.

If I can not fly with frends I have a back up plan nd that is called a cell phone and my wife. I file a flight plan with her and she is under instuctions when I am out flying if she has not heard from me by dark, call the police. She can try to call me first and if she does not reach me is has instructions.

Fly Smart
Or fly a sailplane. Becomes a common event. No big deal.
Don't drink too quickly. After an accident you will be given a drug and alcohol test indefinitely.

Indeed, as with any accident (if the off airport landing was the result of an accident or not just assume it counts to be safe) no drugs or alcohol.
Here's another thing I've wondered about for a while and never saw answer to...

Say you're out flying around, having a great day and the engine suddenly quits :yikes: Thankfully there's a nice grassy field you can easily get to and you manage to glide in and execute a perfect landing out in some farmer's field.

So now here you are in BFE with your non-running engine. Now what? Are there on-call aircraft mechanics out there who handle these sorts of things? Do you have to leave it there until you can manage to con one into showing up?

What if something is wrong that can't be fixed there in the field? How the heck to do move an airplane 30 miles up the road to the nearest shop?

Yes to all options. We used to keep an O-320 and an O-470 to get planes to the shop on. Hang it in the farmer's front yard and have the cops block the road for takeoff.
Just went through this very thing a couple of weeks ago.
Please review my advice in "What to wear".
"Dress as if you might have to walk home."
