I have trouble with the premise that buying an airplane does OP any favors here. Why not rent for 2 years? Rent anything and everything. Sample the whole buffet, don't just take a plate of chicken nuggets.
There are several areas that even rent Bonanzas and other comparable makes.
Offer to right-seat and split time with a local Angel flight chapter, pilots n paws, or whatever the tax-break-cause-du-jour is in your area.
I think the huge unknown of buying a plane, then being forced to sell it later, could really sour anyone on aviation. The process is fraught with landmines for a new aviator, and it does seem to punish those who are not well-armed with information beforehand.
All, I appreciate the thoughts. I have requirements which I have not fully gone into here that make the renting situation untenable.
I allowed this thread to deviate (as threads do) from the original purpose, which was simply to identify which planes sell the fastest. That's information that would be useful to me in making my decision.
If there is a tabulated summary of used aircraft sales somewhere out here on the internet, I'd appreciate it if someone could point me to it.
Based on input here, as well as what I already know, seems like the best-selling planes that meet my minimum requirements look something like this (this won't be a surprise to anyone)
- C172 or C172/180
- C177 or C177/180
- PA-28
Planes that would be very cool to have, but more in the $50-60k price range (I'd be tempted to stretch):
- C182
- Grumman Tiger
- Mooney M20F (I'd want the rear seat room)
- Debonair, but it won't be a great example for less than $60k
Planes definitely to avoid, no matter how tempting, since they have low liquidity unless I want to a take a very deep bath:
- Bellanca Super Viking
- others?
Does anyone believe that any of the three cool planes (Tiger, M20F, Deb) would be difficult to move, if priced reasonably? I'm not that worried about the 182, but I haven't been watching the market long enough to get a sense for the other ones.
Does anyone have data showing that prices have stabilized, or are they still falling?