What should spin training include for CFI?

Today I own and fly an Ercoupe - so, no spins... (I also lust for a Cub or a Champ - but my wife will have none of that sitting in the back seat.)
So get a Taylorcraft! I heard C.G. Taylor say that he designed the T-Craft side by side because it's much nicer to sit next to a pretty girl than in front of her as in his earlier design (the Cub). T-Crafts spin real good, I once did a 20 turn spin in mine.
So get a Taylorcraft! I heard C.G. Taylor say that he designed the T-Craft side by side because it's much nicer to sit next to a pretty girl than in front of her as in his earlier design (the Cub). T-Crafts spin real good, I once did a 20 turn spin in mine.
A Chief would also give side by side. We looked at one before I bought the first Ercoupe - but she didn't care for it at all (didn't feel safe in an all-fabric bird).

We live at the beach in Delaware and the 'Coupe is so nice in the Spring, Summer and Fall to fly along the coast with the canopy fully open. I also get to sit next to my pretty girl, to whom I've been married for 50 years.