What may I take on your airplane, Captain?


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 26, 2016
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I'm a sport pilot and Avgeek. In a couple of weeks I'm flying on a commercial flight to Guatemala. Would it be safe/legal to take my dual electronics Bluetooth GPS so I can follow along on Foreflight? Also if my Nav/Com was in my backpack could I listen to ATC via headphones? I'm wondering about TSA issues, safety issues, etc. As a pilot I always find it difficult to just sit in the back. I'm looking for airline pilot feedback, not random opinions.
It wouldn't be unsafe, but probably against your airline's policy. I use Foreflight all the time on commercial flights. Once you get some altitude, it tends to quit working though.
There was (maybe still) an airline that had a channel dedicated to ATC that you could listen to on the entertainment system. I haven't seen that in years and don't remember which airline it was. On every flight that I've been on in the last 6 years that was international, the entertainment system had a GPS feed with all sorts of cool information, outside air temp, distance flown, time to destination, etc.
There was (maybe still) an airline that had a channel dedicated to ATC that you could listen to on the entertainment system. I haven't seen that in years and don't remember which airline it was. On every flight that I've been on in the last 6 years that was international, the entertainment system had a GPS feed with all sorts of cool information, outside air temp, distance flown, time to destination, etc.
I think United offers an ATC channel.
Well, you posted on the POA so here is random opinion.

GPS "receivers" are typically permitted...what is not permitted on Commercial flight are devices like Stratus that transmit a wifi signal to create a network to connect to. Scanners are also prohibited I believe as is any electronic that has the capability to transmit any kind of signal...so a handheld radio is defiantly out.

With that, I may or may not have have used my Stratus several times. Once may or may not have had a Flight Attendant ask "what's that" more out of curiosity and simply replied with "GPS receiver".
Bring it, ain't going to hurt anything, worse case would be looking "suspicious" to some busy body. I often play around on foreflight on flights.
Domestic airlines now say you can run your phones in "airplane mode." Since my iPhone works fine with Foreflight in airplane mode I use it. Note that you need to be close to the window for it to work. It loses GPS signal in the air if you aren't in the window seat.

The only embarrasing thing was I didn't shut off the audio and the thing announced "APPROACHING RUNWAY 17 LEFT" and "ENTERING RUNWAY 17 LEFT" as we were getting ready to takeoff.

NAVCOMs are right out, don't know of anybody who permits those.
Thanks for the help. I didn't think the GPS would be a big deal but assumed the radio wouldn't work. My biggest worry is probably getting something expensive confiscated by some idiot TSA agent that doesn't know what it is.
Thanks for the help. I didn't think the GPS would be a big deal but assumed the radio wouldn't work. My biggest worry is probably getting something expensive confiscated by some idiot TSA agent that doesn't know what it is.

TSA agents won't care. None of those items are prohibited from being on board in your carry on bags, they are just prohibited from being turned on while in flight.
I have used my dual Xgps 170 and 150 on several flights with WN. GPS devices were listed as OK in the magazine. Usually any radio transmitters are not allowed to be on. Those really could mess with nav/com radios on the plane.
Well, you posted on the POA so here is random opinion.

GPS "receivers" are typically permitted...what is not permitted on Commercial flight are devices like Stratus that transmit a wifi signal to create a network to connect to. Scanners are also prohibited I believe as is any electronic that has the capability to transmit any kind of signal...so a handheld radio is defiantly out.

With that, I may or may not have have used my Stratus several times. Once may or may not have had a Flight Attendant ask "what's that" more out of curiosity and simply replied with "GPS receiver".

Uhh stratus because it transmits wifi??? That transmission is no different than any other wifi conversation including the one between your laptop and inflight wifi... Or your phones personal hotspot. Might be frowned on because of the adsb receivers but even then doubtful.

Regardless, I found gps signal pretty hit or miss in a large metal tube.
Unless you have the misfortune of running into some hardass who knows the rules backwards and forwards and insists on enforcing them nobody is going to care.

However, even if you don't bring the extra stuff if you fly in mostly clear weather it can be fun to just load up your VFR charts and follow the flight's progress with good old fashioned pilotage. At 30,000' you can see a LOT of stuff at once so it's pretty easy, just a much different perspective than a bugsmasher at 5500'
Uhh stratus because it transmits wifi??? That transmission is no different than any other wifi conversation including the one between your laptop and inflight wifi... Or your phones personal hotspot. Might be frowned on because of the adsb receivers but even then doubtful.

Your laptop and PED are not consided "tranmitters" where a Stratus is designed to create a wifi network. Every airline has differnt verbage...UA still bans ALL bluetooh deices and FA have given PAX crap about using a bluetooth mouse.

I'm sure your argument of "well, the plane has wifi" will work just fine.
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Your laptop and PED are not consided "tranmitters" where a Stratus is designed to create a wifi network. Every airline has differnt verbage...UA still bans ALL bluetooh deices and FA have given PAX crap about using a bluetooth mouse.

I'm sure your argument of "well, the plane has wifi" will work just fine.
Every modern cell phone has the ability to create a wifi network.

The word Bluetooth does not exist in UA's PED policy. And the faa doesn't care.

I'd say your experiences are the exception vs the rule.
The only embarrasing thing was I didn't shut off the audio and the thing announced "APPROACHING RUNWAY 17 LEFT" and "ENTERING RUNWAY 17 LEFT" as we were getting ready to takeoff.

Haha. I can imagine your fellow passengers turning to look at you when that happened.

Now wouldn't it be cruel to make your own podcast of annunciations, and play it as you land, with exclamations of TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC!

Or maybe PULL UP! PULL UP! when you descend into a cloud layer.

Your neighbor would love you for it, I'm sure.