What is your plane's name?

The one I call "The Tango." The other one is called "The T-Craft."

You have a T-Craft as well? Nice! Need to chat sometime about it and a 1,000 ft strip.

The 414 is named "The 414."
Not on Penny but that 310, or was it a 320.

310. Someone still owns it and it’s parked out near the flight line east of Vintage most years at OSH.

They’ve kept the paint scheme it had during the filming for the TV show. Usually pretty nicely polished up for the big gathering every year, too.

We’ve sat under its wing watching the evening airshow before. :)

(Stuff you only see at OSH. It’s amazing.)
310. Someone still owns it and it’s parked out near the flight line east of Vintage most years at OSH.

They’ve kept the paint scheme it had during the filming for the TV show. Usually pretty nicely polished up for the big gathering every year, too.

We’ve sat under its wing watching the evening airshow before. :)

(Stuff you only see at OSH. It’s amazing.)

I've seen photos of people posing with it in the classic "Sky/Penny" pose from the show.
10 10 22. Because it took me 10 years, 10 months and 22 days to build her.
Rebel Belle-- In honor/memorial to the former CAF which was renamed for political correctness to the Commemorative Air Force. ☹️ It's painted in US Army Air Corps insignia and is dedicated to honoring WWII vets who did so much for our country.
My first experimental, a Kolb Firestar II, was "ICED TEA" because I consumed lots of tea during the building. My second is a Rans S7 which took even more tea to build is "ICED TEA TOO". Thanksgiving it will be 15 years old with 1060 hours of trouble free fun.
I just call mine:


Named by the former owner's wife. It is fitting for an airplane that is "babied" before and after each flight with polish, wax water and elbow grease ...