I have a ways to go to hit all 50 states. Ditto Provinces in Canada. Guess I should start spending more time on our continent.
I notched #50 (Alaska) on a mileage run. All the others were work or pleasure travel.
I have visited most of my homelands. (Ireland, Scotland, Germany). Not Sweden - yet. I have visited Austria a few times but not Hungary (yet - but will see Budapest in late November). I did visit Prague many years ago, but technically my Great-Grandmother (who insisted to her dying days that she was Austria-Hungarian and not Slovak) was from what is now Slovakia but in 1902 when she moved here was clearly A-H. So technically I am not sure I can say I visited that particular homeland because the part of the world she was from was closer to Bratislava than anything else I've visited so far. I suppose with the terrible accident in Hungary, now, I could change out and go to Bratislava or even back to Prague.
I'd stick with Budapest, but that's just me. I do want to do more of Eastern Europe/Central Asia sometime.
I will be visiting Machu Picchu at the end of the month (big travel coming up this fall. Monterey Peninsula first, a few weeks later M-P, then a few weeks after that Vienna and Budapest).
I wanted to do Machu Picchu last year but the details didn't work. Maybe next year. I've got Japan on the list for a repeat - this time to stay in a Ryokan.
Easter Island definitely! Might even try to coincide it with a solar eclipse or something.
Eclipse would be fun. But I'd settle to just visit. Stonehenge was worth the visit.
Antarctica for sure - and I'll do it from New Zealand.
Haven't gone up the monument which is sad because on a good day I can probably see it from work.
It's pathetic that I grew up in DC area and live there now. I've never been. And I DO see it every day out my office window.
I have spent time near the Rhone and I've had Cotes du Rhone wines, does that count?
Not for me - the river boats are a special ride. Great food, frequent stops, outstanding wine. I have likewise been near the Rhone many times, so the boat trip would be special.
I have already been one of the first people to see the sunrise on a given day (August 30, 2005) so I'm happy about that. That wasn't already on any list, but, I did it and I'll take it.