I think recreational appeal is the primary way to go after GA if you want an increase in pilots. Sell GA by selling aerobatics, seaplanes, and meetups at the airport and places within an hour or two of the home. Sell it by getting golfers to try new courses that they would ignore for a 4-hour drive. Traveling by air to a vacation destination is nice and all, but most people I know don't take more than one or two long distance runs per year and GA doesn't make that too much better from a logistics standpoint.
If you don't sell the "fun" of GA like boating/sports/etc do, it's a lost cause.
It's hard to compete with boating. How many youtube videos are out there of planes tied up to each other with women in bikinis (or less) taking body shots off each other? Sports you have something to cheer for. Not many people cheer for a perfect 3 point landing, minus the crowd at Oshkosh.