What is good to know before doing a BFR ?


Filing Flight Plan
May 21, 2012
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Good day everybody,

As you know I'll come to Chicago next year to make hours and indeed my BFR... So, what I want to know is : do you have some advices knowing that I've never flown an aircraft in USA before ?

- Is a class Bravo more important than in Europe ?
- What are differences in charts, phraseology and ATC service ? (Flight following,clearence,...
- I've been told that there's a Pilot FAR/AIM, I'll buy it but what does it contain ?

I'm really impatient to come and so I just want to have the more informations you can give me ! :D

Good day
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Rather than compare US regs to EU regs, you should just study the FAR/AIM.Be sure to read the definitions of the various parts first, because not all of it will be relevant to your certificate.
I have a question: if you do not hold a US certificate, why are you preparing for a US flight review? Is this required for you to use your European cert. to fly in the US?
Or are you actually talking about a check ride for. US private pilot cert, not a flight review?
Good day everybody,

As you know I'll come to Chicago next year to make hours and indeed my BFR... So, what I want to know is : do you have some advices knowing that I've never flown an aircraft in USA before ?

- Is a class Bravo more important than in Europe ?

Class B works exactly the same - no entry without clearance (sorry about that, Miami approach...ahem).

- What are differences in charts,

Not a lot of difference in VFR charts, but I recommend getting familiar in advance with the ones you will use. One thing i found sorely missing was the VACs we use in Europe.


Phraseology is the same. "Speech velocity" is about three orders of magnitude greater :D. Do not shy away from "say again" requests.

and ATC service ? (Flight following,clearence,...

No requirement for flight plans even if you fly to / from controlled fields.

Flight plans aren't automatically activated when departing a controlled field - you need to contact FSS to do it (same as you do in Europe when you depart an uncontrolled field and activate with XYZ "Info" frequency). They aren't automatically closed either.

Flight following is the only thing you can get there that you can't get here. Actually I'll amend that - Switzerland, France, Germany and Italy you don't get it, Croatia you get it informally.

Some airports you'll have to call to get your VFR departure clearance before getting on with Ground.
Good day everybody,

As you know I'll come to Chicago next year to make hours and indeed my BFR... So, what I want to know is : do you have some advices knowing that I've never flown an aircraft in USA before ?

- Is a class Bravo more important than in Europe ?
- What are differences in charts, phraseology and ATC service ? (Flight following,clearence,...
- I've been told that there's a Pilot FAR/AIM, I'll buy it but what does it contain ?

I'm really impatient to come and so I just want to have the more informations you can give me ! :D

Good day

Here you go, here's a starting point and keep clicking around. Understand the airspace regulations with regards to special use airspaces. Believe it or nor the airspace in America is much more restricted VFR than Europe IMO.
Rather than compare US regs to EU regs, you should just study the FAR/AIM.Be sure to read the definitions of the various parts first, because not all of it will be relevant to your certificate.
I have a question: if you do not hold a US certificate, why are you preparing for a US flight review? Is this required for you to use your European cert. to fly in the US?
Or are you actually talking about a check ride for. US private pilot cert, not a flight review?

I'm going to request an equivalence of my JAR PPL so I think I need to do a Flight Review.

Thank you everybody for your answers and your links, I understand better now ! I'll buy the FAR/AIM when the 2013 version will come out !

If other question come to me, I know where to post them :wink2:
I'm going to request an equivalence of my JAR PPL so I think I need to do a Flight Review.

Thank you everybody for your answers and your links, I understand better now ! I'll buy the FAR/AIM when the 2013 version will come out !

If other question come to me, I know where to post them :wink2:
Here's a tutorial on the minimum ground portion of the Flight Review:
Flight Review minimum (VFR).

You can read the source for the rules here:
FAR Part 91

What is the question? Whether to know/understand both, or whether to carry both?
Only one would be required, I suppose. The TAC will have details about VFR transition routes and other useful information for dealing with flying near the Class Bravo airspace that the Sectional won't, but it's not technically required.

I would assume a good instructor would like to see someone utilizing "all available information" for the flight. Not necessarily in the cockpit though. One chart at a time is fine there. With the other one available if needed.