Technically no, and yes. Haha.
No, because unless they get an ACS done for ATP and I do that “someday”, I’ll be done with the CFI and CFII rides before they get the CFI ACS done.
ATP is fairly unlikely in my plans but who knows. Meanwhile I’m in the last “generation” of PTS trained pilots.
Yes, because doing the CFI right now is an utter pain in the butt because you’re simulating TEACHING someone to the ACS standard, not the PTS standard.
Between the test standards updates, the Advisory Circular updates, and the stupid Chief Counsel letters that have NO table of contents or any way to find them on specific topics... I’m amazed we just don’t get smartphone text messages daily with “new rules!”
Okay ... actually, you CAN get that. I lied. Haha.
I signed up for alerts on ALL FAA rule changes last year and sort them straight into a folder on my GMail just to see how insane it is. There’s three pages of email alerts in December alone.
And then there’s fun stuff like this... AC 91-67 used to be a great reference for Part 91 MEL and airworthiness stuff. Way easier walking a student through it than working through all the scattered regs. One of the local DPEs liked to point It out to CFI candidates who’d have a notecard full of regs for airworthiness if something was broken on an aircraft.
“Is this thing legal to fly?” Follow the flowchart on this AC, boom... done. Nice.
Then AFS-820 noticed that since it was first published in 1991 it didn’t meet current ICAO standards. So they’ll fix it, right?
They published a cancellation.
And in the cancellation it says it’s not up to the ICAO world, and they’re “working on an update”.
No estimate on when we’ll see that update, it’s just “cancelled indefinitely”.
Not complaining. I’ll teach to whatever moving target FAA wishes to provide, and more. It’s just entertaining to watch the stuff change so fast that they can’t even keep up with it.
This standard, no wait, this standard, no wait, cancel that! We’ll get back to you. Okay, now this standard...
I doubt in the modern internet age this cycle will ever stop.
Standards are great, which revision do you have? Yesterday’s or today’s?