What I'm drinking tonight.

But, but, but. The English units taught us math out of necessity. It is easy to divide anything by ten while defining the 'foot' in twelfths and inches in 16ths 32nds or thousandths takes a bit of brainpower. America and Canada was surveyed using the English system yet the Canadians have adopted Metric. The Fahrenheit temperature scale is much easier to determine human comfort than is Celsius. Other than things designed for international trade I see no reason to switch.

From a mechanic's point of view I think the tool makers had a vested interest in selling more tools. :D

Yeah but I could tell people I only weigh 100 rather than 220. :(
Our measurement system is quite consistent. What it isn't is subdivided by 10's, 100's, and 1,000's. A meter is not more consistent than a foot. A kilogram is no more consistent than a pound-mass. All of these units of measure are quite arbitrary.

Well it's a lot simpler to convert from litres to cubic centimetres than fluid ounces to cubic inches.
But folks said metric was simple...

If they thought about it and made the meter slightly smaller, we could be looking at a gravitational constant of 10.0 m/s/s. That would have made things dirt simple.
If they thought about it and made the meter slightly smaller, we could be looking at a gravitational constant of 10.0 m/s/s. That would have made things dirt simple.
But what would that be in furlongs/fortnight/fortnight?
Good to hear WOW works, BWI is the close airport and I want to do Kef sometime.

As to the subject, Knob Creek Single Barrel Small Batch, because its the only bourbon in the cabinet here as I do hurricanes (yes, plural) recovery. Can't bring myself to pour cola over it (my norm) so one cube, in a sippy cup.