What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

The faa simply ignorantly is AA centric. It’s actually changing slowly.

The REQUIREMENT is a “group” that bases its methods around abstinence. The FAA will allow ANY system that does that, your AME may not. Which is wrong, but like nearly all FAA related matters, there are no consequences for the crappy faa employee or representative.

As far as I can tell, divulging the elusive shrink list is the only actionable thing a AME can do wrong….

So, if you’re opposed to aa, but must do this sort of thing, find an AME who will allow what ever you find that endorses abstinence based “recovery”, rather than drink in moderation based recovery.
As far as I can tell, divulging the elusive shrink list is the only actionable thing a AME can do wrong….

Which seems silly, no? The FAA itself publishes the list of HIMS psychologists and neuro-psychologists.

Googling HIMS neuropsychiatrists gets multiple hits of psychiatrists who advertise themselves as HIMS. Examples:
and so on.

So what on earth does the FAA think it's accomplishing?