what I want to post on fb

It would appear that officer friendly might have certain shortcomings, given that he didn't understand that women are perfectly capable of putting out for their own gratification.

Nah, this was back around 1980. Before women knew that they could enjoy it too. :goofy:
I was anti FB for a long time but then I found it really does help in a couple situations. I certainly spew BS all over it but prior to FB, I would go get pictures taken of the kids and email them to mom and dad and grandma and on and on. Now you just throw them up and mom and dad print and frame the ones they like.

The messenger feature is pretty convienent as well.

I stay away from contraversial topics on FB and pretty much in life in general. I have also gotten a lot of good music I would not have otherwise heard from friends posting videos of bands they like. . . .
I did not want any part of it for several years. I finally signed up at the request of a cousin who had moved away. My family is scattered around the country and i have reconnected with a bunch of extended family that I had lost track of. It is worth a few minutes every couple of days to see what is going on in their life. The political stuff - I scroll on past.
FB is all rainbow's and unicorns third grader type stuff. I call it 'Fakebook'

Post anything serious, you may get one 'like' .... Post something like "look at my Rosebushes!" and you're flooded with comments and likes ...

I only check it in a blue moon to see what my asshat brother is doing ... :rolleyes:
You hate Facebook because you have judgemental friends? Methinks this is not Facebook's fault. Haha.
FB is all rainbow's and unicorns third grader type stuff. I call it 'Fakebook'

Post anything serious, you may get one 'like' .... Post something like "look at my Rosebushes!" and you're flooded with comments and likes ...

I only check it in a blue moon to see what my asshat brother is doing ... :rolleyes:

Why don't you like rose bushes?
Okay I want to post on fb that I did indeed see fifty shades of grey yesterday. Then I wonder why. I think it's too stir the put because I've seen alot of my "friends" be haters about the book/movie. Yet those same Christians were fans of the Harry Potter movie. So two consenting adults can't have sex but witchcraft is okay.

Probably another reason why I hate Facebook. So judgmental. Its probably why I don't post on here anymore but I do find some posts interesting. So often I think "who the f cares" which is what most of you are thinking reading this rambling.

So anyone else watch the movie would like to talk about it. The glider scene was so dumb. He dove and rolled it and then mysteriously was able to climb.
You hate Facebook because you have judgemental friends? Methinks this is not Facebook's fault. Haha.
My circle of FB friends generally considers 50 Shades too tame, misleading and otherwise unworthy of their attention. It's not FB, it's your FB friends (who sound like fine people).
I was only in a glider twice and don't recall it climbing that well with the tow plane not being there
A sustained 1000fpm climb in a sailplane is exhilarating but not particularly unusual. Diving at redline while being sucked up into a malignant cumulus is not recommended but easy to setup if you have a death wish.

Exactly how well did it climb?
O.k., I'm stymied how you got that impression from what I said ...


Why you would care. :loco:

Roses are nice, they're decorative and smell good. Why don't you like rose bushes?
This conversation is ironic for me, because what got me on Facebook was that the executive director of one of the orchestras I play in turned out to be robbing the orchestra blind, and I needed access to a private Facebook page that was set up to allow orchestra members a place to exchange information about the prosecution. (Sentencing is scheduled for a few months from now.) Anyway, at one point in the process, it was reported in the press that he had previous prison time for manslaughter, due to having accidentally strangled his wife during some sort of sexual thing that they were into. Apparently no one thought to check for a criminal record when he was hired. :hairraise: