What happens when you hit 50

I third that sentiment, despite all the negative things I listed, grandkids are the BEST thing about getting old!

That's the part I am looking forward to. End of the weekend parents pick them up. Peace and quiet return.
50 - you continue to realize the answer is still 42, and always will be.
The birthday card from AARP will arrive before any other birthday cards, begging for money...er...membership.

15 years and I still don't respond to them.

A colonoscopy.

That happened when I was 55. Time to schedule another.

Generally at 50 you finally have enough money to have a little fun, and enough energy to enjoy life.
It wasn't till 60 that I began feeling the effects of age, and I think that had to do with my life-long weight problem.
At 65 I am beginning to feel the effects of arthritis and I am finding that no matter how much I work out, I can't lift the weights or do the aerobics I used to. And losing weight is a bigger ***** than ever. So if you are heavy, lose weight now and keep it off.

No kidding. The only thing that being 65 beats is the alternative.

Yep, got my card as a goof, then I realized what their politics are. Shred...

I read their website first. They never got a dime from me, nor will they ever.

Oh gosh guys I have been married to the same women since high school. No women magnets for me.

Well, I married my high school sweetheart, but we waited until we were in college. 44 years the end of July. :)

Yup, grandkids are a blast. :yesnod:

As the bumper sticker says, "If I had known that grandkids were this much fun I'd have had them first!"