What food do you NOT like that others like?

french roast coffee (I'm talking to you, Starbux) is a cover up for crap beans. It's BURNT! I like dark, strong coffee - bonus point if there's a sheen of JP-5 on the surface - throwback to my Navy days :D ... but cannot STAND french roast.
I grew up to fluffernutter commercials on the TV, but I didn't like peanut butter as a kid. Now I like peanut butter, but Fluff is waaaaay too sweet.
I'm from Mass (KBAF) and my wife is from Ohio and we live in Columbus. She definitely is no Yankee. She doesn't go outside when it's <70* , she drinks some confection called "Pop" and she's never had a delicious Fluffernutter sandwich. Ohioans being Yankees, that's just wicked wrong.

Sorry! I spent 5 years in Columbus, now I understand why people who've moved away say that Ohio is a good place to be from. Not to mention, its full of Yankees. Moving back South, I was initially shocked by how polite everyone is, even though I was raised here. Then I realized I had been up north for too long . . .
Yeah, I can see that for many parts of Ohio, especially the more rural areas, but Columbus is much more progressive with a service-based economy and of course OSU. Then again, a friend of my wife's can't wait to move back to Ohio because she can't stand the racism that is so prevalent. Pick your poison I guess.
Root beer.

A lot of medicines when I was young had a root beer flavor. Except, I never had root beer... So when I tried it for the first time as a adult, Root beer tasted like medicine instead of the other way around.
Root beer.

A lot of medicines when I was young had a root beer flavor. Except, I never had root beer... So when I tried it for the first time as a adult, Root beer tasted like medicine instead of the other way around.

Speaking of that gin smells like the inside of a doctors office to me, can't stand the stuff for that reason.
I don't like Gin because it tastes like kerosene smells. I also don't like mayonnaise. I prefer Miracle Hawip.
I won't eat tomatoes, but love salsa and pasta sauce. I won't eat sliced avocado, but love guacamole. I'll pretty much eat anything else though
Jello, the consistency about makes me hurl. It's like eating thick snot.
I can't eat steak with any red in it. And six months ago I wouldn't have understood the anti-peanut butter people. But now I can't eat it either. Not since I got my first taste of almond butter. Now I can't go back to the cheap stuff.
Root beer.

A lot of medicines when I was young had a root beer flavor. Except, I never had root beer... So when I tried it for the first time as a adult, Root beer tasted like medicine instead of the other way around.

I will drink root beer maybe once a year just to see if I like it again. Liked it a lot as a kid but not so much anymore. But I never had any medicine that tasted like it.
That'll do just fine.

Notice the lack of a knife? That's how one should eat good steak.

It was quite good. At a fly-in with two other PB members. I asked them to scrape the cows ass and serve it and they did. Cut with fork tenderness too. I felt like a rich white guy in Thailand, metaphorically.
Jello, the consistency about makes me hurl. It's like eating thick snot.

Mix it with half the water, then add your favorite booze. Orange jello with vodka, red with rum, green with tequila, etc. mix it up, pour into little paper cups and put in the freezer overnight. It will change your opinion of jello!
Speaking of things that go "moo" on your plate, I had this steak tartare in Zurich a few years ago.

Absolutely brilliant. When it arrives at your table, the waiter pours a shot of your choice of Cognac, Whiskey or Calvados over the beef. I went with the Glenfiddich of course. One of the best things I've ever had.

That sauce is made with Pommery mustard - first time I've had that - but now we always have it in the house. That is something else. Crazy to think to pay that much for mustard, but it's totally worth it.

If this sounds too "foody" for you - take ground beef and add whiskey - you'd be 90% there :).
