What Dog Food?

Eukanuba is what the puppy raisers for CCI (Canine Companions for Independance) are required to feed their dogs and also what the professional trainers feed the dogs.
I don't know? Pampered pooches may live longer, but it may have nothing to do with diet? Or does it?
I dunno - but with life expectancy up, I think it behooves us to consider what might affect our companions' health and well being further into their golden years - including diet and hearing protection in our noisy aircraft.
Autumn just switched from Nutro Lite to Nutro Adult Lamb and Rice small bites.

She loves the change.
My late wife and I were fans of Norwegian Elkhounds, and before the most precious of them arrived had two females. One had pups, the other did not but the people we bought the house from had a male who got together with the Shepard next door and produced Tiger. He was a prize, and had the personality of Odie; tongue always hanging out and wanting to be loved. His attachment to my wife was beyond my comprehension. We tried our best to keep him healthy but in spite of our best efforts he died of a heart attack at fourteen. Our dogs were fed what was then considered to be best for them. Like us, and sadly, they don't live forever. I haven't found it in my heart since Tiger died to take on another dog although I know their presence would be comforting. Sometimes IMO crossbreeds make the best of companions.

We never let them beg at the table but they got scraps from dinner along with their usual rations.
Piper gets about half of her calories from her smallest human. The rest is Purina One.

Yup, Hank gets clean-up duty after the 1yr old tosses Cheerios/whatnot on the floor, and the last bite of whatever I'm eating. Purina One takes care of the rest.
I had my Lexi dog on Taste of the Wild. It was good stuff. As she got older, though, my vet friend said the fat content was a little too high for her.

She recommended Hill's and Royal Canin to address some other issues she has. So she currently is eating Hill's glucose/digestion something something and she goes between that and Royal Canin moderate calorie hydrolized protein.