What does the "M" mean on NAV2?

Bradley W

Ejection Handle Pulled
Nov 5, 2017
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On a cessena 152 what does the "M" stand for ontop of NAV2 on NAV mode when only using NAV1
flying to a VOR
What radios? Cessna 152 could have anything in them.
I'm gonna say not enough information... But I'm sure somebody here can figure out what you're asking...
"Need More Information"

Can you provide a photo?
Yeah, I’m guessing you’re talking about the marker beacons (O-M-I), although I’m not sure why you would be seeing them illuminate when flying to a VOR.
It's not attached to a radio and it reads ---nm --kt --m on the normal panel. I'm a sim pilot but I help fund the industry as a frequent flier.
Probably a magnetic direction from what ever it’s reporting.
Yep. Sounds like a remote DME indicator.

During my PP training, the trainer I flew had a DME receiver, and we had a VOR/DME on the field. It was a pretty handy device for teaching positional awareness. With the VOR I could visualize my position from the field, and the DME told me the distance. Pretty handy on those night flights.

All the kids these days use GPS.
The worst is the children of the white needle (VORs). Always staring at that white needle and not looking outside.
Can the device pickup airways in GPS mode?
The worst is the children of the white needle (VORs). Always staring at that white needle and not looking outside.
Does it matter in a sim?
There’s AI traffic and pixelated terrain to run into you know...
I didn't know. If you suffer CFIsT or have a synthetic mid-air do you have to put down yer beer to restart the sim?
I didn't know. If you suffer CFIsT or have a synthetic mid-air do you have to put down yer beer to restart the sim?
Nope, you can set it to where it will automatically respawn in the event of an accident. It’s the hands free method.
Here’s an older picture from the flip-phone. Of course the previous one is much better and shows the DME clearly.4FA49EC2-1F2C-4EC3-A4B6-2FE7706F37D7.jpeg
The worst is the children of the white needle (VORs). Always staring at that white needle and not looking outside.

I actually understood what you meant, and I remember VOR and NDB navigation.

Good Lord I am getting old..... you kids stop all that noise..!!!