What do you do for a living?

Accounts Payable clerk - watching my job get eliminated by the computer tech people of the company...getting the invoices paid "magically" <sigh>
Sales guy for a medical software company. Best job ever. Slowly working towards a CFI rating so I can teach people to fly... but not until my kids are grown and out of the house.
I work in the airline business at a desk job managing air cargo. No, I'm not a ramper, but eventually the rampies do what I tell them to do. :lol: Every day at my desk, I have a front row seat at arrivals or departures out of 17-35 at MSP. That's how I got to thinking, "why am I down here, I should be up there!" :idea: And now I'm a 170 hour Private Pilot working on more advanced ratings.
Cool. I used to be a news photog. I was the only person at the station who would volunteer to ride in the back of the 206. Everyone else avoided it like the plague. That's pretty much the only thing I miss from that job.
I started my career in the back of a 206 too. Must be where taxi, um, limo drivers, come from. :idea:
:rofl: Apparently! Were you in ENG, too?? Not much landscaping to do in the back of a helicopter... :)
ENG? Oh wait I get it now. Actually I meant a Cessna 206 not a Bell 206. I was a camera operator in a mapping plane before I moved to the front seat after a number of years.
ENG? Oh wait I get it now. Actually I meant a Cessna 206 not a Bell 206. I was a camera operator in a mapping plane before I moved to the front seat after a number of years.
Ohhhh gotcha. Yeah, mine was a Bell 206 doing Electronic News Gathering (as they call it). We'll just stick with 206s, that makes a more interesting story :yesnod:
Diesel Fitter....I work in a womens underwear factory..When the underwear comes off the conveyor belt, I pull them over my head an say "deez el fit er "...not great pay but I pull down a few hundred a week !!
I get to go all over putting instrumentation on locomotives, freight cars and passenger cars, as well as rails to collect data to feed the simulation trolls at the office. I get to see the "wrong side of the tracks" in a lot of cities around the world. Why can't the railroads be in the nicer parts of town?
I've built and operated two (of the three) aviation themed hotels in America.

In other words, I am criminally insane, and broke, to boot. :goofy:
I'm a taxi driver...
Nice taxi. :)

I'm a lowly computer geek working for a bank. I do solutions development for UNIX, Linux and Windows systems monitoring on a bank that has somewhere upwards of 75,000 servers. I also run a sideline business selling crack -- er, I mean, kits -- to ham radio operators.
Corporate CEO.

OK, so it's a small company. I'm really a dirt farmer on the frozen tundra of northern MT, along the Canadian border. But, I'm the CEO. And the CFO and the Director of Marketing, Director of Maintenance, Procurement Specialist, Production Manager and I sweep out the shop once a week, or so.

Being self-employed isn't too bad, but my boss is a jerk.

looks like im the only one that is making a living repairing planes Someday I might get smart and lose the passion and get a real job. :rolleyes:
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Paramedic and Registered Nurse over the past twenty years. Essentially a trauma junkie. Dabbled for about 3 years in cardiac cath lab in addition to ER and ICU.

Grew up on the flight line. Dad used to run freight in PHNL with a C-45
Dialogue Coach for a local Porn producer. When you hear the "Oh Baby, yea baby, give it to me baby"...I did that. On-screen coaching is a hard job...:yesnod:

My sideline is 12 volt distribution...radios, install stuff, amps, speakers, drop-down screens and lojack GPS trackers.

My other sideline is working for 3 local A&P's doing electrical work/troubleshooting and other tasks while working on my A&P rating.

One more sideline and I'll need to be cloned to keep up...

Chris in SHV
Being self-employed isn't too bad, but my boss is a jerk.

That! :cheerswine:

I tell my kids that they will never work for a tougher boss than themselves. In my case, I would file grievances, formal complaints, and lawsuits against anyone who tried to make me work this hard... :D
I'm an A&P mechanic, semi-retired. I also operate a small chicken retirement farm.
Engineering Manager for a company that makes semiconductor parts for cell phones and other wireless devices. In my area of the company, we do something called Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE for short).
Mechanical engineer. We design and build propellant tanks and pressurant tanks for rocket launch vehicles and satellites.
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Information Technology my whole life.

Currently a VMware Product Specialist for DELL | Compellent Storage
Would you think you're the first one to ask me to do that? I think everybody who knows what I do has asked me that. In MT at least, you'd never get away with it folks watch that data like hawks and anything suspicious gets investigated thoroughly. So, sorry, not committing any felonies for you today!

For better news, the ecological monitoring software I write is free of charge distributed by your federal government. So go out hiking and measure some plants.

:) Not even like this? You can disavow all knowledge!

Starship Captain.


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President and CEO of a 1200sq/ft house right now. For a career I mostly fixed stuff. Electronic stuff, airplane stuff, Hyundais and Subarus. Got tired of fixing stuff now looking for a new career
Structural Engineer,... design of residential and commercial buildings mostly. Some hospital and higher education development here and there if we win the proposals.
State Trooper... With the real potential to be a Trooper/Pilot in a few years. I figured if they'll pay for my instrument ticket and give me a 182 to fly for free why not?