What do you do for a living?

Office Assistant by day.

I save peoples asses by night or I keep idots in the gene pool. Take your pick. Im an EMT if you haven't figured that out btw. ;)
I'm retired. For a living, I collect a couple of pensions, social security, and some returns on investments from money saved while I was working. in the nuclear power industry. For fun, I run an airport.

That is an answer to your question but probably doesn't help you any. I was in my 50s before I felt like I had enough disposable income to take up flying as a hobby.
I'm an IT Director for a supermarket chain.

I got my PPL back in the mid 70s. Then used my VA education money
to get all my commercial stuff for airplanes and helicopters. Now I
just fly an experimental I built and it's about the cheapest flying I've
ever done.

Piaggio's are sweet. I've seen two of them up close and personal. The guy who owns Houston Exec. (near Houston) and Bird's Nest (near Austin) airports flies one. I have another friend who has some stick time in one... said he was cruising at FL410 at >350kts. He had to chuckle when ATC would call out the airline traffic BELOW him. :)