What Are Your Aviation Goals For 2013?

Dunno. It's been so long since we've flown it that I've lost track of the activities of the owner group. No plans at this point, since I've learned that whatever I'm told about this project won't happen anyway, other than then need to continue writing checks.
Dang, no fun in that. I hope you get to fly it someday soon.
You know, I had the exact same reaction the first time I flew in a glider several years ago. Recently I gave it another go, while I was on a business trip, to CO. I'm so glad I did. I've gotten hooked, joined a local club, and since gotten the rating. I'm not sure what made the difference, but since that flight on the business trip, I've loved every flight. There is just something so fantastic about coring a thermal just right, and keeping an aircraft in the air with nothing other than mother nature, and your skill..

I'm not sure how anyone could think soaring is boring ;) I recently got my first taste this past holiday when my father took me up flying over the soaring club of Houston field. We were up over an hour with a 3k foot tow and really the only reason we landed is we both had to go to the bathroom. It was lots of chasing thermals and spiraling this late in the season, but it was fun! My father has 550+ hours in soaring at a fraction of the cost of wet time even for a 150 / tomahawk.. He has done some competitions soaring over 500+ km and being in the air for 7-8+ hours at a time - a flight that would cost me 800 bucks cost him a $25.00 tow.

my father definitely makes it look easy, he gave me controls and it felt like I was trying to steer a kite into a head wind bouncing and jittering all over the place.. he takes over and in the weakest of thermals were back to gaining lift and spinning around laughing about fuel prices.
  • Fly more
  • Fly to more running destinations
  • Sell Grumman
  • Spruce up RV-6
  • Hang out airport
Paying off some bills to get out of debt, then turn around and get more bills buying an airplane.
IR! I've had that as a goal for multiple years, but this year I have the resources. I may have to do an intensive to find the time, but I will get it done.

Buy a Light Sport aircraft. Fly all over Oklahoma. Fly with grandchildren. Get my AGI. Get Light Sport Flight Instructor rating. Teach someone to fly.
My BFR is due this year.
To finally fly a family trip to my father's
I have a few airframes in my logbook that I've only flown dual. I'd like to get some solo time on at least 2 of them.
Commercial would be great to achieve before they jack it up to 1500 hrs minimum.

Hm...I guess I don't understand the new rules. I thought you could still get the Commercial with (250/whatever) but Part 121 required the 1500 hrs.

Oh well, I'll never get my COMM then.

There is no change in the requirements to get the Commercial pilot certificate - It's still 250 hours, and there's no changes to that coming.

The change is simply 1500 hours to fly Part 121.

Go, get your Commercials!
The L2 should be finished sometime this year (like we've been thinking for the past five years) but this time the engine runs have been accomplished and it's almost ready to fly. Might hire some kid to fly it to Rockford, then climb in and fly the last 30 minutes to OSH. ANW I'm flying that thing all the way from Dallas to Wisconsin.

*raises hand* Hey, I've got my "some kid" rating! :goofy:

I did a quote on a ferry flight for an up-engined Champ once, from Michigan to Washington state. The bird was up-engined but not up-tanked, so its range was only about 100 nm! And, I was disappointed that I ended up not getting the job.

Then again, after flying the Citabria to Gaston's a few years ago, my butt says it'd better have a decent seat! :eek:
Goal is to have my GOPRO video so boring that no one could watch more than 5 seconds of it, only once!
In 2012, I crossed over 1000 hours total time, and successfully avoided thinking too hard about how much money I've spent on flying in the last 9 years - I've gotten paid for 10 hours or less I think, and probably gotten another 50-100 for free, the rest has been out of my pocket. I wouldn't trade it back for the money, though. :no:

In 2013, I'd like to finish my CFI... Again. This is at least the 3rd year that's been a goal of mine. :frown2:
Once I got my PPL my instructor said "Now, go fly the ass off that thing!" That's what I plan to do. :yes:

Spread my wings as a new PPL holder.
Maybe a trip to CLT/ATL area or further south if time permits.
Consider yourself #1 on the list.

*raises hand* Hey, I've got my "some kid" rating! :goofy:

I did a quote on a ferry flight for an up-engined Champ once, from Michigan to Washington state. The bird was up-engined but not up-tanked, so its range was only about 100 nm! And, I was disappointed that I ended up not getting the job.

Then again, after flying the Citabria to Gaston's a few years ago, my butt says it'd better have a decent seat! :eek:
My BFR is due this year.
To finally fly a family trip to my father's
I have a few airframes in my logbook that I've only flown dual. I'd like to get some solo time on at least 2 of them.

New goal:
Get Roy to lend me his M20J to get my BFR done (and requisite complex endorsement) and then take it to my dad's. The solo/PIC would also check off the other goal.

And since the likelihood of Roy actually reading this post is low, I've got the advantage:D

Roy - if you ever read this post, PM me - I'd like to know if I'm right

PoA members - no cheating and informing Roy (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL):rofl::rofl:
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My main goals are;

4) Finally I believe most important showing the kids who have physical disabilities that they can still fly because I met a little boy who just stared at his legs when I asked him if he wanted to JUST see the cockpit and declined...give those kids hope and inspiration! :)

Great goal, Spitfire. :yes: That's a win win, for kids and aviation.
To reach what Stephen Coonts (Cannibal Queen) called a state of "art." I have been there twice in two aircraft. But in one I was giving 60 hours of dual a month, and in the other I was flying 110-120 hours a month. Haven't been there in a lot of years. Don't quite know how to do it flying 10 hours a month, but I am going to try. Part of that is to fly every chance I get, and do whatever the time allows. A few nights ago that was one trip around the pattern. Today it was a half hour. Got in two power off 180s, two Lazy eight segments, a bit of falling leaf, and two "stable" approaches/landings. Two takeoffs. I got in two loops while taking the airplane for an annual last month. If i can fly an hour tomorrow, it will be spins and working toward good slow rolls. When it gets warmer and I can find someone to fly in the front, I intend to get instrument current. File and fly one IFR flight in IMC before the year ends. I will learn to fly this airplane well (Classic Waco).

Helicopter add-on
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My 2012 goal was to get my PPL, I achieved that in October.
2013 goals..
1.Get my IR.
2. Do a stall/ spin recovery course.
3. Complex aircraft endorsement

And at age 64 I think that's it as far as rating goals go, so it will just be a case of enjoying flying as much as possible for as long as my health and state of mind allows..hopefully for many more years ahead.
Tough one because so many of my great aviation experiences have come without any explicit planning on my part.
However what I can set as a goal is to get a tail wheel endorsement.
What I am not willing to set as a goal, but does occupy my mind a lot is to get a twin.
What I would like but can't control so much is to do more contract flying (to interesting places of course). Also another type rating wouldn't be bad :D
Finish the CH 650 Airframe

Tailwheel endorsement

Pass the Medical (again)

Don't have anything happens that rates a "I'll never do that again" or any other similar article.

I'm changing my goal temporarily. Right now, I'd just like to go flying.

This cold I caught is kicking my butt, and has been for days now. I can't even think about getting behind a yoke. Ughhhh.
I'm changing my goal temporarily. Right now, I'd just like to go flying.

This cold I caught is kicking my butt, and has been for days now. I can't even think about getting behind a yoke. Ughhhh.

Man-o-man. I am in the middle of it, too. Not fun.