What’s in your EFB?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 24, 2013
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Now that i’m a few months past my BFR, i’m curious if i’m missing any apps that should be in EFB. I’m running IOS8 on both an iPad Mini2 and an iPhone 5s. Here’s my current set of tools. What are you using?

  • Foreflight (oh, this is so fun)
  • Sporty’s E6B (I thought i’d have use for a digital E6B, but so far this app has remain unused)
  • Aviation W&B (I had great hopes for this app and had downloaded the C172P template. However, this app keeps giving me inaccurate data about W&B so i’m sticking to paper for now.)
  • My Radar
  • NOAA Weather (both MyRadar and NOAA Weather are mostly the same)
  • DUAL GPS (app for checking on my DUAL GPS status)
  • Area Forecast (nice tool that grabs regional weather forecasts)
  • The Weather Channel (yes, i could use Apple’s weather app, but i prefer this one)
  • AeroWeather (Love this app for grabbing METARs from favorite airports. The Pro version, which i also bought, shares the crosswind component. nice.)
  • FlyQ Pocket. (i use this just for the airport information)
  • LiveATC (i listen constantly to traffic from a variety of airports as well as NorCal Approach. Nice practice.)
  • Social Flight (for flight related get togethers)
EFB - Foreflight
Logbook - Myflightbook
W/B - Foreflight
Flight plan filing - fltplan.com

Hoping to replace fltplan.com with Foreflight for flight plan filing after the next Foreflight release.
Flight Planning/Filing and Moving Map
- Garmin Pilot (Primary)
- Avare (Secondary)
- FltPln Go (Backup backup)

- Logbook Pro

- E6B+
- Bluetooth GPS
- GPS over Bluetooth
- Skew-t

- PDF versions of AFM/POH and or CL for most planes I fly

- GoPro Remote Control App
- LiveATC
- GDL 39 Utilities
- Pilot Lounge

• Foreflight (different app backup on an Android tablet)
• Chronology - timing fuel use and prompting to switch tanks
• Goodreader - manuals, etc
• Notability - clearances and note-taking (the Foreflight scratch pad is too limiting for anything but the simplest stuff)
• Sporty's E6B

The first 4 are always running when I am in flight. I have other aviation apps but only consider the ones I use in flight as my "EFB"
Not in the EFB, but there's always a chart at hand albeit usually an outdated one.

One of the posts piqued my curiosity. Why are you waiting for the next release off FF for flight plan filing? Nothing but a curiosity question.
Foreflight, DTC/DUAT, FlightAware, LiveATC, ZuluTime, Hi-Def Radar. All on iOS.
If you're having problems with Aviation W&B you should contact them. I have not had a problem with it and use it regularly.


Not in the EFB, but there's always a chart at hand albeit usually an outdated one.

One of the posts piqued my curiosity. Why are you waiting for the next release off FF for flight plan filing? Nothing but a curiosity question.

I want the full sync between the iPhone/iPad of flight plans, aircraft, etc. looks like that's going to be in the next release.

Often, I flight plan on the iPad, then want to file from the iPhone.
The weather channel
Sporty E6B
RAOB (SkewT chart)
FlyQ pocket
XCSkies (soaring lift prediction software)
Plus web links to faasafety.gov, faapilotweb (notams and TFR) and a few others
I want the full sync between the iPhone/iPad of flight plans, aircraft, etc. looks like that's going to be in the next release.

Often, I flight plan on the iPad, then want to file from the iPhone.

Thanks for the answer Dan. I did not know that such a feature is on the horizon.

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I don't use an EFB for my GA flying (I enjoy pilotage and a paper sectional on my lap), but especially given my planned trek to Oshkosh in 2015, this thread has given me some ideas. :)

My work iPad has loaded:

Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro
WSI Pilotbrief Optima
eLibrarian Pro (for our manuals, etc...)

I've also personally loaded myRadar, mainly because the WSI app is pretty hefty, and sometimes I want a quick check right before we launch.
Thanks for the answer Dan. I did not know that such a feature is on the horizon.


Foreflight was previewing it at their NBAA booth, so I think it must be right around the corner.

x2 on Radarscope. Raw radar data - or very nearly so. I chose to pay for the lightning strike data. Great app.

I talked to a storm chaser who said he chases almost exclusively with RadarScope now.

So I have this stuff on three ipads and one iphone 5s. An ipad 3 or 4 (last one before the Air), iPad 2 and ipad mini. The kids mainly have the other iPads and my wife has one too that doesn't have my flying stuff on it. We have an iPad Air 2 coming tomorrow and we'll scrap the iPad mini (I won it at a company party).

FF + Stratus 2
ForeFlight W&B (also Aviation W&B)
iPad Calculator
Aviation WX
Sporty's E6B
List Wrangler (checklists)
Stratus Horizon (redundant - it's in FF now)
LogTen Pro (I don't use it - not sure I ever will - but I subscribed once)
AvConnect (I don't use it any longer)

Holding Calc (for IR training)
AF Hndbk
GTN Trainer (they really need to update this)
PlaneFinder and PF AR
Private and Instrument PTS
Pilot Getaways
I want the full sync between the iPhone/iPad of flight plans, aircraft, etc. looks like that's going to be in the next release.

Often, I flight plan on the iPad, then want to file from the iPhone.

Multiple iPads would be great too. Hope that is in there.
-Live ATC
-Aviation WX
-NOAA Radio
-Pilot Workshop (just testing now...)
-Airliners.net (toy app)
-Pilots Charts
-Flight Aware

Will be looking into some of the apps that others have mentioned. Great thread idea, thanks to the OP!
Thanks to all who have posted so far. It's always nice to see what other tech-savy pilots are using.

FlightLink - To record ATC and the intercom
FlightAware - To check on IFR FPs and company aircraft
Logbook Pro
Flight Schedule Pro - Our scheduling system


Wind Tunnel App