Thanks to all for your good wishes.
We saw David in ICU around midnight last night. Then we spent a good part of today with him. His surgery went well. Although they did cut his collarbone, they put in a plate and screwed it back together again. Our 13-year old granddaughter who broke her collarbone 2 weeks ago will have more trouble with hers than David will have with his. They pulled another blood clot out of his artery again. This time it was only 7 inches long. They replaced a piece of his artery with a piece of leg vein. He has been told (since it has happened twice in 6 months) to expect it to happen again. David is in a private room, and should go home in a few days. You should have seen his room - Hubby & me, David's wife, 2 friends, Davids 2 sisters, and 4 of their children all there at the same time. He was asleep.
We'll stay a few more days before flying back to New York. I'm overdue for both my BFR and medical, so Hubby is doing all the work.