Weight & Balance PC Software


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 1, 2006
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Recently saw a fellow with a neat looking Weight & Balance PC Software package on his laptop at the FBO the other day. Didnt have a chance to ask him what it was but it sure looked like a handy tool. He had several of the rental planes already stored and ready to go for easy, and quick access.

I want something like that. Who here might already use software that does the same thing? Free is nice, but certainly understand you get what you pay for and am ready to invest.

If you have experience or suggestions in this type of software please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance!
I have a few Excel spreadsheets that I started working on and never got around to completely finishing. However, there are sheets for some types of airplanes that are finished and could be fairly easily modified, if anyone wants 'em.
There are no good freeware programs to do this.

This needs to change. I will start writing one now (assuming its as easy as I assume it really is). I'll call it "Pilot FreeStuff."

And I will be famous :D

edit: by now, I mean later tonight; I need to go to sleep right now.
I put together what I think is a pretty good excel spreadsheet with graphic results for my Cherokee 140. It is very easy to modify for other 140s and not difficult to modify for any plane. I'd be happy to share it but can't seem to upload spreadsheets. Someone said ZIP it but I couldn't figure out that either. Is there a built in XP utility to zip files?
Duats Golden Eagle has W&B feature in it. You program up your particular plane and then it calculates the W&B for the start and end of your flight.
flyingcheesehead said:
I have a few Excel spreadsheets that I started working on and never got around to completely finishing. However, there are sheets for some types of airplanes that are finished and could be fairly easily modified, if anyone wants 'em.

OK, I've attached two spreadsheets I created with weight and balance functionality. Note that they are NOT finished, and may or may not be correct for your particular airplane. Caveat downloader.

That said, it appears that they're usable for C172N, C172SP, PA28-161, PA28-181, PA28R-201, and PA28RT-201 (myflightplan.xls), and PA-28 150, 151, 160, 180, and 236 (PA28 W&B copy.xls). I started on one for the Seneca but it's still limited to Seneca I's which nobody in their right mind flies. ;)

You should also be able to fairly easily modify the above to suit any aircraft you fly. Enjoy.


Thanks for the file. I honestly have very little experience with excel. Maybe I can work something out. Thanks again.
flyingcheesehead said:
I started on one for the Seneca but it's still limited to Seneca I's which nobody in their right mind flies. ;)

haha kent

perhaps nobody in their right mind flies one thats loaded.

-35 hrs seneca I, almost all with just front seats filled. still didnt climb worth a crap on one.
I made an Excel spreadsheet W&B for my 235 that indicates OK or not OK, as to whether the balance is too far aft or forward.