web site advertising


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
Display Name

Display name:
Right Seater
I don't think this is particularly new, but it is getting worse.

When I go to a store website, like Target, Walgreens, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc, looking for an item that I would like to go pick up today, I often see EXACTLY what I need. But it is not offered by the store site I am visiting. It is an ad completely unrelated to the store. And it is always "mail order".

Do any of the adblock type applications help with this (on a windows 10 pc), or is this just a price I have to pay for using a "free" browser?
All of those websites have a way to display "in store availability". There is sometimes an issue that something shows in stock in a specific store when it isn't, but that is just due to local inventory errors or stuff getting put in the wrong place at the store.
Do any of the adblock type applications help with this (on a windows 10 pc), or is this just a price I have to pay for using a "free" browser?
The AdBlock Plus plugin is pretty good at plucking ads and you can block more if they show up.
The plugin exists for Google Chrome and other browsers. (not sure about the Edge on WinX)
And yes, it can work on the WinX virus/adware platform no problem.
Just tried ADBlock. Liking it.