

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Anyone else getting a little tired of the constant swings, the repetitive cold fronts?

All this is missing my part of New Mexico. Warmest winter I have ever spent here.
These weather swings, of which you speak...


Waiting on the Climate Change argument to ensue. :popcorn:
It’s tough when you have to pre heat in Florida.
Preheated yesterday here, was around 18*. Cranked right up after that.
Actually, I wish it was a little cooler here. Doesn't feel like winter at 80 F.
Getting older; turned 78 in late December,retired for almost thirteen years, and I'm now finding I no longer hold up well to frigid temperatures. SE Michigan has had more than it's usual share of below zero temps this winter. I'm basically hibernating and don't go outside unless absolutely necessary. In my younger years I thought little of going out in the cold but now I'm a total wimp.

To add a Nauga comment;
Hurry up April.
Well it's above 0f right now, and that's cool.
Yeah, we've been bouncing between 10°F and 60°F lately here in OK. However, the swings are quite normal for us.
Yesterday was between between 50 to 58°F. Wore short sleeves all day. Tomorrow's forecast 13 to 26°F with wind chill -3 to 10°F. Gonna be 63°F in a few days.

No big deal. It's like commuting between Buffalo and San Diego every two or three days.
Yesterday woke up to 12degF in VA, flew to Cedar Key where it’s supposed to get to 26degF tomorrow night.....maybe I’m being followed :confused: