Line Up and Wait
A barrier to laziness is a good thing.
Laziness isn't the only thing. Most of us that can afford to fly also have day jobs. Those day jobs keep us busy most of the day. From there, add a kid or 5 to the mix, and you don't have much time to do anything else. If you again, have the afforded luxury or a few hours per week, it would be nice to work towards a personal goal. A pilot's license is a worthy goal.
If, at once per week, one wanted to learn to fly, it would take a good year to accomplish that goal.
Now, let's add in the factor of "how it affects you". More pilots, more fuel burned. More fuel burned, cheaper fuel. Cheaper fuel, nice for you. Planes don't sit on ramps rotting. All good things.
I agree with simplification. Cut out the antiquated subject matter (NDB's, text weather, etc) and teach modern methods. That was my biggest problem when I went to school for IT. I was being taught stuff I "figured out" as a kid.