'We have broken speed of light'

In short, I believe in basic modern physics. QM and relativity have been around for 100 years, and are both extremely well-tested theories. Dark energy, on the other hand... jury is still out... :D


Believe? I see nothing to "believe" in physics. Either the math works or it doesn't. If a postulate is proved to be erroneous it is discarded (NEXT!) or at least used only where it is useful (like Newtonian mechanics).
I don't understand the big deal, NASA's been doing this with their space shuttles for a while

The problem with the Mooney is that they put the deflector dish backwards ... just like the tail. :rofl:

Henning... just realign the plasma inverters, and divert main power to the main deflector dish of your 172, and you should be good to go. Works on the 150 pretty well. Not sure if it'll work on a Mooney, though... do they even have plasma inverters?

Newtonian physics has served, and is serving, quite well to describe the world surrounding the everyday lives of humans. Remember Apollo 13? However modern cosmology was indeed born with Einstein's two great works. And someday relativity will be supplanted by an even more complete understanding of the nature of the Universe. But even then, Newton will still be with us. Shoulders of giants and all that.

That reminded me of
“There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” – Douglas Adams
Thank you. And I would love the opportunity to have a few beers and talk physics with you. Would make my day!

You will have to attend one of her lectures up here. It is worth it (they throw the cross-country skiing in for free.)